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<Just prior to SWRC 'Hidden Pasts', Book 2, Chapter 3...>

"You okay Hiccup?" asked Ashao-Tika.
"I've been better," admitted Hiccup. "Were you accepted?"

Ashao nodded and said, "I'm a Padawan now. No longer going to the Medical Corp."
"Good luck," wished Hiccup, looking away afterwards to avoid upsetting his friend. "What about the others?"
"You can ask them."

Hiccup looked back and saw his five closet friends; Ashao-Tika Chylles, Januix Ksiazek, Zanbique Zilrabiya, Kit Sa'runelko Diazuella and En'url Icodian.
"Hey guys," said Hiccup. "Were you...?"
All four of the other boys nodded and said 'Yes', confirming Hiccup's worst fears.

He was the lone Padawan of both their group and their grade to not be accepted as a Padawan by any of the Masters.

"Let's make a promise," suggested Ashao. "To remain together as friends no matter where our Jedi journey leads."

Each one of the six placed a hand in the middle of their circle and said, "Promise."
"Good luck everyone," said Hiccup. "I hope I'll be able to see you in between working with the Scout Corp."
"We do too Hiccup," said Ashao. "Good luck everyone."

They each in turn wished each other good luck with their own journeys and the watching figures of Bronnick and Harron, Jyuo, Galleion and Coattra all noted the incredibly strong bonds between the six friends, much like the ones within their own team...

Hiccup became a Jedi Padawan a little less than a week later to Jedi Master Neeran C. Zaneshi and her invisible partner Zach R. Zaneshi.

SWRC: The Padawan Complications (Book 2.25) (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz