Chapter 6 Can Scars Fade...?

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Ashao-Tika had hit the floor at the sound of the first shot.

More and more shots were flying overhead as Ashao-Tika saw some students fall to the ground, some not moving once they'd fallen. Ashao-Tika covered her head to both get rid of the sights and try and concentrate. Swiftly, she activated her com-link to her Master as the shooter began yelling.

Ashao-Tika didn't catch what he said initially as her ears were still ringing from the shots.

"Republic or Separatists? Who gives a damn! We're all going to die anyway!"

By sheer chance and coincidence, Galleion, under his guise of Rylan, had actually been on the schools grounds when Liros had signalled him. Having a Force-connection with his Padawan, Galleion was able to identify where she was as he hurried to help her.

Ashao-Tika lay prone on the ground beside her friends. Jaen and Jaken had both taken glancing shots that had only left them terrified and in shock but not in a life threatening condition.
Suddenly, one of the doors next to Ashao-Tika was opened as in came Galleion, much to Ashao-Tika's relief.

"Is anyone hurt?" he asked crouching down beside his Padawan and her friends.
"Just Jaen and Jaken," replied Ashao-Tika.
"Come here," motioned Galleion, as the twins shuffled carefully over to him. Galleion closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he began to channel the Force through himself to heal their wounds.
"Where's the shooter?" he asked after he was done a few moments later. Ashao-Tika pointed over to where the deranged boy was.

"Wait, Master, what are you doing?" asked Ashao-Tika as she tried to get him to stay, realising that he didn't have his lightsaber.

"Are you willing for more people to die?"

Ashao-Tika stopped and Galleion left the seven friends to go face the shooter.

"What's your name?" asked Galleion as he approached the boy. The boy spun around to fire at the man, but hesitated when he realised that he did not know who the man was. He'd never seen him before.
"Why do you care?" asked the boy. "You're just going to kill me, aren't you?"
"Why do you think that?"
"Why else would you face me?"

Galleion watched the boy.
"You're trying to make a statement."

The kid started. It was as if the man had read his mind.
"Something's happened to you recently and you want revenge. You want to take it out on someone, anyone, you can find."

The kid hesitated, unsure of how to deal with the newcomer. Suddenly, he raised gun to the man in hopes of making him back off.

"Kid calm down!" said Galleion, holding out his hand. "Shooting that thing won't change anything."
The child began to shake with either fear or anger, no one was quite sure. Suddenly, he had pulled the trigger and fired upon the man who was Galleion with the intent to gun him down.

Only his shots left blaster burns on the roof instead.

The boy was confused as he looked at his up stretched arm as he lowered it and then at the gun and finally, the man. Galleion remained completely calm and collected as the boy tried to figure out what was wrong.

"That will not solve anything," whispered Galleion. Galleion saw a flick of fear cross the boys eyes. "But if you put it down, we can all walk away from this."

The boy back off slightly and looked at the gun. Galleion had also seen that there was only one shot left in the blaster.
"Isn't that what you want to do? Just walk away from this war?"

The gun went off one more time, but this time, Galleion was powerless to stop its intended target.

The lifeless body of the boy crumpled to the ground as Galleion moved a few seconds too late to save him. Galleion hung his head and sighed as he turned to his distressed Padawan beside him and the rest of the surviving school cohort.

"Can," hesitated Ashao-Tika nervously as she came up beside him.
"Scars fade?"
Galleion understood her question and sighed, "Everything leaves scars. Some... just can't be seen with the eyes."

Ashao-Tika sighed and looked down. The bloodstained floor caused her to screw her eyes shut. Galleion then did something unexpected to his Padawan.
He pulled her in close to his chest so that she couldn't see what was around them.
"But time can also heal scars. Even if they never truely fade away."

Ashao-Tika finally broke down from everything that had happened around her and began to cry into her Masters shirt. Galleion comforted her and just let her cry. He knew with careful help and guidance that Ashao-Tika would be able to function again, but it would take time.

"Come on," he whispered. "Let's go."
Ashao-Tika stumbled over her feet and could hardly stand as she began to shake all over. Galleion saw that and just simply picked her up and held her close, like a father to a daughter. Ashao-Tika started for a second before letting herself sink into it and just continued to cry as Galleion took her away from Sacorria.

He knew just the place for her to overcome her trauma.

The hidden world of Cularin; as named by Neeran, Zach, Jyuo, Coattra, Harron, Bronnick and himself...

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