Chapter 4 Sacorrian Children.

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On the planet of Sacorria in the Core Worlds sector of the galaxy, Jedi Master Galleion and his new Padawan Learner Ashao-Tika Chylles were standing out the front of a large conference building that was to be the beginning of the pairs investigations into a rumoured Separatist plot to infiltrate the local schools and covertly convert them to the Separatist cause.

But the two Jedi were not using their real names. Galleion had assumed the name Rylan Yaketa and Ashao-Tika had been given the name Liros Yaketa by Galleion to help them blend in as a prospective single 'father' looking to enrol his daughter into the school that Galleion felt was the most likely target for the Separatist infiltrators.

"But," started Ashao-Tika. "I still don't understand why I have to go undercover in a school. Wouldn't the Force be more useful in finding who the traitors are?"
"Traitors is a harsh word," reprimanded Galleion. "I believe that misguided is a better word. And the Force cannot tell one everything."
"So you mean, people can hide their emotions to a Force-Sensitive?"
"And Jedi. I've seen it happen," said Galleion. "No, we're more likely to get a result if a student is present and approached."

Ashao-Tika thought the scenario over and over in her head before she finally seemed to grasp what Galleion was referring to. Galleion smiled as he saw the realisation dawn on her face.

"Come on," he said motioning for her to follow after him. "Let's get this started so that we can get it over with Liros."

Ashao-Tika took a second to readjust her thinking before scampering after 'Rylan' as the headed onto the school grounds.

The meeting with the head of the college went off perfectly, without a single hitch.
"We can give you a weeks trial here, if you like," said the head of the school. "Before you complete the enrolment."
"That will be fine," assured Galleion, as he stood up. "Come on Liros."
"Coming," said Ashao-Tika as she jumped to her feet and followed after her Master.

The next day, Ashao-Tika, under the guise of 'Liros', entered the school grounds as a temporary student in civilian clothes, which were completely foreign to her.
"Hey," greeted a girl. "You must be Liros?"
"Yeah," said Ashao-Tika.
"I'm Jaen Logan," introduced the girl. "I've been tasked with showing you around for the next week."
"Thanks," said Ashao-Tika.

The main bell rang and Ashao-Tika jumped. Jaen was confused for a moment and asked, "Haven't you ever heard a bell?"
"Ah, no," admitted Ashao-Tika. "I've been homeschooled by my father while we were planet hopping. This is the first time I've been to a real school."
Jaen seemed surprised but said, "You're gonna love it! Come on, I'll show you everything."

The first day at school went off without a single problem or potential Separatist encounter by Ashao-Tika. As did the second, third and fourth days. Ashao-Tika became fast friends with Jaen and her own little clique of friends; Jaken Logan, Jaen's fraternal male twin, male Iridonia Zabrak twins Micah and Mical Jehan, and native Sacorrian humans Cynthia Maes and Dalziel Calix.

However, Ashao-Tika was beginning to become concerned as to what would happen if they didn't find out who these mystery recruiters were.

Would she have to stay in non-Force Sensitive school until she 'graduated', not that she really knew what the word meant?

Or would the pair move on?

That was until the last day of her week experience, a Friday no less, came rolling around and everything changed...

SWRC: The Padawan Complications (Book 2.25) (ON HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant