Chapter 3 Deception of Corellia.

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Casimir continued to watch the operation below as he scanned for movements and patterns within their operation as well as the buildings layout.

He knew that the mission wasn't going to be easy as he clutched onto the railing above him and remained in a crouched position. But he'd be able to signal Neeran for help with it.

Elsewhere, Aniyah and Zach had just finished clearing out an old base/storage facility of the pro-Separatist movement.
"I can almost say that was a waste of time," said Aniyah, as she pulled out her com-link and going to call Casimir.
"Wait," said Zach. "Something's wrong with him."

Neeran looked at him in the silent question of, 'You're kidding me right?', as gun fire and the sounds of explosions erupted on the major platform of Corellia's space port.
"Well, crap," swore Neeran, as the pair raced over to where Hiccup clearly was.

Hiccup had in turn freaked out.

The explosions hadn't been him.

And they hadn't even been one of the apparently idiotic subordinates dropping something and blowing themselves to kingdom come.

It had been a completely separate mysterious third party.

And Mandalorian by what Hiccup could tell from their armour.

"Mandalorians?" Hiccup exclaimed in a whisper. "This must be serious."
Complete turmoil had erupted below and Hiccup saw seven Mandalorians in total who were, in his opinion at least, complete badasses.
Some of them even looked close to his own age. And seemed to have faults commonly associated with him.

Seeing one of the Mandalorian soldiers in trouble, Hiccup slid under the railing above him and, whilst grabbing and activating his lightsaber, entered the fray to stave off the unseen attack behind the teenager.

"What-?!" exclaimed the boy as a Jedi Padawan suddenly appeared behind him.
"Watch out!" called Hiccup as he Force-Pushed two Separatists away from the boy who blasted both of them with his twin blasters. "Keep your eyes peeled!"

The boy nodded as he and Hiccup teamed up against the Separatists facing them. In short order, everything was over and only half a dozen Separatists were left in a huddling cowardly mess in one of the corners.

And everything suddenly turned against Hiccup.

"Who are you?" asked the apparent leader of the group, pointing a blaster directly at him. Hiccup jumped back and raised his hands in surrender.
"Casimir," said Hiccup. "My name is Casimir."

The leader didn't seem to like that answer and made to fire upon the boy. Hiccup scrunched his eyes closed but the blaster never hit him. It sounded as if it had rebounded off something and been dissipated.
Cautiously opening his eyes, Hiccup saw the immediately recognisable figure of Neeran Zaneshi, his Master, before him and the hexagonally shaped bubble shield that surrounded them with Theta blinking into existence beside Neeran's left ear.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Neeran, seething with anger. The leader seemed taken aback by Neeran's abruptness and harshness of her question.
The boy who Hiccup had saved had removed his helmet to reveal that he was only about 16-17 years old, but looked slightly younger.
"Mother," he whispered. "It's the Jedi Neeran."
"Brother," whispered another girl who'd also removed her helmet to reveal that she was only just older than him, about 18 years old.

The other four had since removed their helmets and the leader/mother had also done so, sheathing her blaster.
"My name is Lin," said the mother. "This is my husband Adnan, my daughter Cana, my sons Cohen and Casin, my younger daughter Clara and my youngest son Casimir."

Neeran and Hiccup then understood why Lin had acted that way when Hiccup had said his name was Casimir.
"As Casimir said, my real name is Neeran Zaneshi. And this is my Padawan Hiccup Hanonai."
"You assumed fake names?" asked the real Mandalorian Casimir. With a nod from both Neeran and Hiccup, Casimir whispered, "Cool."

"My question still remains," said Neeran, ignoring Casimir. "What are you doing here?"
"We're," started Lin.
"Looking for someone," finished Adnan.
"Person?" asked Neeran. The seven of them nodded.
"Boy or girl?"
"Girl," replied Lin, curious by Neeran's questions.

"Right there," said Neeran pointing to a nearby crate. "That's the only other person in here besides those gibbering messes behind you."
"Sister," whispered Casimir as he took off towards where Neeran had indicated.
"Casimir!" called both his mother and sister Clara, but he did not seem to hear them.

"Casha," whispered Casimir as he pulled the crate aside and revealed another Mandalorian child.
"Casimir," replied the girl as the pair embraced.

"Your other daughter?" asked Neeran to Lin.
"Yes," said Lin. "Casimir's twin, Casha."
"Good luck with where the galaxy takes you," wished Neeran, as she and Hiccup left.
"Thank you," replied Lin. "Jedi."

"How did you know about the girl?" asked Hiccup when they were back aboard the Spectre.
"Through the Force," said Neeran, as she started up the Spectre. "I am attuned to emotions through the Force, specifically ones around fear, loneliness, abandonment and those kinds of emotions."
"So you could sense her presence through the Force?"
"Kinda like that, yea," replied Neeran. "Why such a sudden interest?"

"I," started Hiccup nervously. "I would like to be able to do that."
"I can teach you," said Neeran, as she raised the Spectre up off the ground. "I've found it's easier to use it to find the people closest to you, such as your five friends from the Temple."

Hiccup hesitated with his next question for a moment but decided to ask anyway.
"Is it possible to use it to find and locate anything living?"
"Anything that the Force flows through," replied Neeran as the cleared the atmosphere. "Comm, take us home."

The droid beeped affirmation and then space faded to hyperspace and they were speeding off towards their present home of Lothal, not knowing where their next adventures were going to take them...

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