Chapter 2 Corellian Run.

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'Hiccup,' whispered a voice in his mind.
'What are you going to do...?'
"What?" asked Hiccup, looking around. "Who are you? Where are you?"

But there was no response as Hiccup awoke from his fitful slumber.

"ETA 5 minutes, sleepyhead," said Neeran. "Something the matter?"
"It's nothing Neeran," said Hiccup, nearly calling her 'Master' again. "Just a dream."
"Good," said Neeran, getting up. "We're going to need you at full strength to complete this quickly. Casimir again?"
"Yes," replied 'Casimir' as he got up and followed Neeran. "You?"
"Aniyah," said Neeran opening the hatch to exit the ship. "First place to look is the Dock Warehouses."
Hiccup nodded and followed 'Aniyah' out onto the shipping platform at Corellia.

'Aniyah' and 'Casimir' had split off into two separate groups to find the rumoured pro-Separatist traitors. Hiccup was searching in between the buildings when something alerted him to a seemingly sinister presence coming from within the one closest to him.

Hiccup looked at it and flicked the hair out of his face with his hand. He'd have to do something about it, he realised. It was getting rather long and had become dangerous as it would get in the way of missions and combat.

Placing his hand against the wall of the warehouse building, Hiccup closed his eyes and listened to what was happening inside. Voices and yelling at inferior subordinates confirmed what Hiccup had concluded about the building as he reopened his eyes and looked for a way into said building.

Hiccup spotted a small window that would be a piece of cake for him and his small frame to squeeze through. Swiftly and precisely jumping up with a Force-Jump, Hiccup scrambled inside trough the window and looked down upon the massive Separatist operation going on below him as he tucked his hair behind his ears again and pulled it into a ponytail shape for a moment before letting it fall against his shoulders again.

As Hiccup watched the operation continue below, he knew that he needed to do something. But what? What could a young, failure of a Jedi Padawan do against an operation of that size. The words of his dream seemed to continuously echo through Hiccup's mind now.
'What are you going to do...?'

But what was he going to do...?

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