chapter 1

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Peeta's POV:

"It's OK. We'll drop off the coil and come straight back up." She tells me. Her voice is so trustworthy and I cannot help but nod and accept the fact that this was the plan and it was too late to change it. Even if I was going to argue I would have had no time because Beetee butted in right after she finished so there was no chance of arguing. I tune out what the others say. I know it's important, life or death in fact but I can't keep focused and all I can do is look at Katniss.

Katniss, oh how we got into this mess I do not understand. Well, I do understand but I don't want to believe it. The Capitol's insane rules have forced hundreds of people to die and now I cannot do anything but act as a sitting duck at target practice. I know I will die it is inevitable but all I want is to be able to protect her. I will not let Katniss die at the hands of President Snow, he will have to get past me first. Why does she have to go and do it anyway? Can't one of the others? I don't want her to ever leave my side. I want to hold her in my arms every minute of every day and tell her how beautiful she is and what she means to me. But the sad yet true fact is that soon enough I won't be able to.

She grabs hold of my face, caresses my shabby cheeks with her soft hands "Don't worry I will be back at midnight." And kisses me. It's like a jet wave burying itself from my lips deep into the bed of my skin; It feels like electricity is rushing all around my body and I don't want it to stop. But it does. And before I can break out one last word, she's gone.

I wake up from my dream back into the nightmare and turn back to Beetee and Finnick.

"Right what now." I say to break the silence.

"Well just get into your position and wait for the fireworks." Finnick booms rather sarcastically. Him and Beetee seem to be looking at each other strangely but I think nothing of it, it is not important at the moment.

God damn it I feel so useless! Katniss is off risking her life because I'm 'too slow'. I need to protect her and I can't do that eying up a stupid lightning tree!

I must have been scolding myself longer then I thought because the next thing I know Finnick and Beetee are running towards me telling me to run. Run. Run where? Run away. Run after them. Run to Katniss. I guess I have to choose myself and I choose Katniss. My legs are carrying me along the floor and as soon as the tip if my shoe grazes the grass it lifts back up again. It feels like I'm flying.

My ears ring and lights flash in the corner of my eyes. I look around for signs of life but all I see is currents and beams. Now fire and smoke, is that the sky cracking? Well, the sky ceiling. Just running is not helping so I start so shout a loud.

"Katniss? Katniss!" Over and over again with no reply, my voice becomes edgy as I become restless and terrified for her. Suddenly I come to a stop as a slight flicker of sound waves through my ear.


I start running again trying to locate to sound.



"Katniss! Katniss!"

It gets louder and louder yet it is still impossible to point out how far away it is because all I can hear clearly is the ringing in my ear. I lift up my hand to hold by throbbing head and I feel blood. People start appearing and disappearing, running in all directions. My body aches and my voice is cracking so I stop. My eyes spin around in my head and everything turns blurry. I fall to my knees and grasp hold of my head trying to squeeze the pain out by my bare finger-tips. I try shouting again. "Katniss!"

"Peeta, I'm here Peeta!"

Where is here?

Suddenly, impact. Two figures crash onto me and immediately relive me from my brains hallucinations and regain me to my senses. I can't make out who they are but I know it's not Katniss. Its two men. "Finnick, Beetee?" I manage to croak.

I hear no reply but the piercing sound of blades meeting. I manage with every final functioning fibre of my being to shakily stand on two feet and un-blur the images in my head.

Finally I see clear and it is not Beetee or Finnick who stand before me, but a fierce looking Brutus standing over the close to lifeless corpse of Chaff. All I feel is rage. He was Haymitch's friend and now he will die, I must avenge him if it's the last thing I do. Haymitch has helped protect Katniss just as I wanted and I need to repay the deed so I lunge in ready to kill the fresh meat.

The bloody battle lasts only seconds but it feels like a lifetime. Barely coming up for air between thrashes and beats I screech ferociously. Won't I ever get out of this hell hole; if I'm going to die can it happen already. The cannon finally sounds twice and I know it's over. Chaff must have finally died and I've killed Brutus. I sit up off of the beaten corpse and yell for Katniss again. No answer, so I stand and begin to run once more.


"" I hear her gasp. I must find her and quick.


Suddenly a massive force jolts me back and I land into a tree trunk about ten feet back.

Once I regain my thoughts I squeak feebly "Kat, Katniss?" but I know it's too late. I'm finished and I can protect her no longer. Please say she makes it out alive. Even if I can never have a life with her she deserves happiness. Perhaps with Gale, I wonder if they would have children? Please don't forget me Katniss I don't want to become that distant dream she once had about the boy with the bread.

My lashes flicker and my body begins to loosen and unfortunately the last thing I hear is the constant ring in my ear drum. That is until the hovercraft pulls me to the sky.

A songbirds soulmate- hunger games catching fire/mockingjay fanficWhere stories live. Discover now