chapter 2

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It's all I can feel. I am awake but my eyes are not open, I'm scared of what I will see when I open them. My head is pounding and it feels like every bone in my body is going to fall off.

Giving into fear I open my eyes to see concrete. It's everywhere; concrete ceilings, concrete walls and concrete floors. The only thing not concrete is the door which I don't even move an inch to open because I know it will be locked. When I finish surveying the stone room I see that my bed is not even a bed but a levelled peace of concrete sticking up in the corner of the room. Surly this is not at the Capitol, there is not a feather, sparkle or any other outrageous thing in site. It's so cold in here and it doesn't help that I seem to have no shoes on. All I am wearing is a dark blue T-shirt and a pair of brown cargo pants.

I finally decide to get up because I need to try move my body. First I try to sit up but it's no use. I manage to flip over onto my front and claw my way up the side of the wall with my battered hands. When I complete the pain-staking process I retain a sitting position. I inspect under my shirt and find it's full of bruises. I sigh and pull it back down.

I try to stand, pushing myself up steadily but once I thing I've done it I crash face first to the floor. I can't be bothered to move, I will probably die soon so I might as well just stay here until my corpse rots on the ice floor. Pulling my hand up to my head I notice it's bleeding again. That should speed up the process. I flicker my eyes up and notice a camera in the top left corner of the room. They're watching me and no doubt laughing at right now. I'm exhausted so I shut my eyes, hopefully they won't open again.

I am awoken by screaming. It's a woman's scream. Katniss!

"Katniss!" I screech and almost forgetting the pain completely as crawl frantically to the door. I pull myself up to a slouch and pound on the door.

"Katniss! Get off her you assholes!"

I continue to bang vigorously against the door until I notice something. It isn't Katniss' cry. I've heard it many times before when she had nightmares and I would come to comfort her, this is not the same cry. These screams seem to come from an older person.

"That's enough boys; I believe Miss Mason has had enough for today." Says a husky sounding man with an unmistakable Capitol accent.

"You will talk eventually!"

It's Johnna! I'm not the only one here. What do they want with us?

I hear a heavy slam and I press my ear against the door. Footsteps are getting closer and I know they're coming for me. I shakily stand and compose myself ready to face them.

The door fly's open and five Peacekeepers march in. One stands at to door which has now been closed so I can't escape, two come and grab me harshly and then pull a chair up that they have and they sit me on it gripping tightly to each of my arms. I try to fight them off as they tie my hands down with rope but in my condition I know they have the upper hand.

The two remaining Peacekeepers stand in front of me; one holds a whip and the other an electric rod.

"So, Peeta." The one with the rod flaunts while he steps around me. I know he thinks highly of himself and he loves the fact he is the supreme one here.

"My name is General Acanthus." He continues.

"And I"

"Where's Katniss?" I plainly ask.

"Well well it's not very nice to interrupt is it now? Balbus, I think it's time to teach Mr. Mellark a lesson in manners."

I could guess what was to come next. They throw me to my knees and crack the whip five times against my back, tearing my shirt and my flesh right open. I try to remain strong but the pain is unbearable and I shriek in horror. It feels like thousands of needles are burrowing away into my skin and I get the strange sensation in my head that I'm on fire. That's ironic.

"That's enough." Commands Acanthus with a lift of his hand. He removes his helmet so I can see his face. He has a large square shaped head and next to no hair. I can see right into his evil grey eyes and it makes me shiver. He spits at my face.

"Now are you ready to talk?"

"A... about wh...what?" I moan loudly with a slight hint of desperation in my voice.

"Well for start offs what happened in the arena?" He questions.

"I don't... know you tell..." I throw back. But it is true; I don't know what happened it's all a big blur. I look up and try to show a brave face but I know they can see my tears.

They whip me again, harder this time. I wonder if Johanna can hear me scream too.

"What is their plan? Are district 13 planning to attack?"

"District 13? There is no... such place anymore. Your army destroyed it!" I cry.

"Sir, this boy is useless he knows nothing." The Peacekeeper by the door explains.

"I don't believe a word he says, he is lying. You will tell is everything soon enough, Mellark. Once we find you a more suited method for negotiating."

They go to leave but I have so much rage boiling inside of me that I must say or do something. I flick my head up from the floor slightly. "You know what that's a good idea, whipping me will make me much less eager to tell you anything." I tease with a snake like voice. "But I'm sure some lamb stew would fix me right up!"

Acanthus steps back up to me and presses the electric rod right to my chest. The pain is so great I think for sure it's going to kill me although I know it won't. Killing me would be doing me a kindness.

They finally leave me to weep alone but just before I pass out from the pain I think to myself. Lamb stew, that was her favourite.

Then I let go of consciousness once again.

A songbirds soulmate- hunger games catching fire/mockingjay fanficWhere stories live. Discover now