chapter 5

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I speak for myself. A ceasefire is the best option. It may mean that we go back to being slaves of the Capitol and the Hunger Games will go on but it will stop thousands of innocent lives being lost. If we carry on fighting their wont be enough humans to carry on living, our whole species will be gone. I tell Caesar this; I tell everyone this. I don't think he understands what I mean but I don't care as long as Katniss does. I hope she's watching this so I can tell her to stop rebelling, please listen to me Katniss. 

"So you're calling a ceasefire?" Caesar asks. 

Well it's what I just said isn't it? Wow I'm tired. Is it over yet? 

"Yes." I say lazily. "Now can I please go back to my cell to build another hundred card houses." 

Caesar wraps up the show and I walk back behind the curtain. 

"Good job." Says Acanthus I know he doesn't mean it which annoys me further. 

"It wasn't for you." 

He grabs my arm and another Peacekeeper grabs the other. They go to pull me outside but I'm too lazy to move my feet so I let them drag me across the floor. It's quite comical watching them do all the work even though I'm the prisoner, but they say nothing.  

We get outside, they handcuff me and I'm thrown in the back of a large white van. They are drive slow obviously not wanting to attract attention but still the journey is taking a long time; surly we weren't that far from the prison. 

We stop and they pull me out the van. It's dark outside and it must be about one o'clock in the morning. We walk towards a tiny hut. Why are we going in their? Acanthus pulls open the door, it's an elevator. I bet it isn't meant to be found. We step in and the elevator begins to descend.  

The doors open, it's another prison. The elevator opening faces a v shape of barred cells and on each side of the stockade are small-fully windowed rooms with a peacekeeper sitting down in each, I notice one of them is Balbus. 

They lead me to a cell near the middle of the v and open the door, I step in.  

"What happened to the other cell?" I ask as Acanthus shuts the door behind me.  

"Well, that place was a bit luxurious don't ya think?" 

Oh yes luxurious. I would say a bucket to pee in is five star worthy. I grip hold of the bars and push my face up against the cold metal; I've had enough of Acanthus and his cocky attitude. He acts so tough yet I can sense his real fear is not his enemy but his own leader.  

"President Snow said I'm your key to winning this war. What use am I to you?" I say with clenched teeth. "What could you possibly hope to gain from keeping me alive? If you're going to kill me just do it already!" 

"You listen here boy!" Acanthus yells; he grabs hold of my shirt and lifts me from the floor a few inches. "Things are going to change around here, you better lose this superior attitude of yours and realise that no one cares about you and you are going to be stuck here for a long, long time!" 

He drops me and marches to the elevator and without looking back he adds, 

"Killing you would be the sweetest thing to do. Besides, you're not going to die until I have you begging for your life to be over and even then I will make you wait!" Then the doors close and he's gone. 

I spend my alone time looking at my cell. Bars, bed, bucket. Done. 

They didn't even bother to give me the old clothes back. I sit on the edge of the bed, kick off my shoes, remove my blazer and home myself in my white shirt and black trousers. I'm absolutely exhausted, I don't think I will get another chance to sleep in peace so I lay down on my bed, it has no duvet or pillow and it's not even comfy but yet it still feels like bliss as my body rests and my eyes close. 

A songbirds soulmate- hunger games catching fire/mockingjay fanficWhere stories live. Discover now