chapter 15

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It's dark I can't see anything. I'm strapped to a chair, hands tied around my back and legs tied at the ankles. 

"Hello?" I shout out. "Is anyone there?"  

Suddenly a light on the celling starts flickering on and off. A shadow in the dark; getting closer and closer. I know this person! Quite tall, quite slim. Red hair, lots of it. A tongue?  

"Darius you have a," 

Before I can say anything else he is above me a knife in hand and a large psychotic smile tattooed on his face which is accompanied by a set of deep red and utterly frightening eyes! 

"Now it's your turn!" He hisses. Is that a...a snake tongue? 

"No. No. NO!" I scream and the grips hold of my mouth and opens it with his fingers.  

"Help! Hulp! Huuu,"  

And the knife is in my mouth.


I let out a bloodcurdling scream. Without a second thought I instantly bring my hands to my mouth; my tongue is still there. Good. I'm soaking wet from sweating and all under my eyes I itch from dried tears.  

"I... have dreams." I look up to find the source of the noise. Annie is sat at the front of her cell as close as she can get to me. "I get frightened too." She whispers as if worried someone may hear. Johanna and Avel are both sound asleep so it's just us too. Unlike Avel I don't ignore Annie, It's the first proper conversation I've had with her since being here really. She always seems to just sit and cry either that or do strange things like rocking back and forth or talking to herself. 

"What do you dream about?" I ask as quite as her. At first she winces like she's in pain and I regret asking her but after a moment or two she calms down and faces me again. 

"Um, well... I feel cold and... and alone. Then Finnick." I can see some tears forming in her eyes. "Then... he doesn't come. He doesn't come to warm me." To anyone else it would seem silly that she classes someone not coming to warm her up when she's cold a nightmare but to me, I can feel the pain it causes her. When you love someone so much and they do something that breaks your heart, you feel like smashing your head against a brick wall wouldn't even come close to the pain they are causing you. 

Looking at Annie makes me feel something, something I've not felt in a long time, I feel hope. Hope that we will get out of this place and we will see our Katniss and our Finnick and that things can only get better from here on out. 

Just as my mind processes this thought Acanthus walks out of the room on the left and towards us; holding the whip. 

Well I stand corrected, things can only get worse from here on out. 

"Wake up!" He sings smacking his whip on Johanna and Avel's cells. 

"You serious man? Aren't you sick of it yet?" Johanna asks sleepily. 

The guard curses under his breath had walks to Johanna.  

"I never get tired of it!" He hisses." And for that remark I think you deserve a little wake-up call. Germanus bring hose."  

"No!" Johanna screams hysterically camouflaging her face. "No no, I didn't mean it. I swear! Please don't. Please... please!" 

The young Peacekeeper, Germanus hands his General a large hose pipe connected to a tap on the far wall of the room. Acanthus grabs hold of Johanna, my friends chin forcefully and sticks the hose close to her mouth. 

"No! No!" 

The hose turns on and all I can hear is Johanna gargling as she tries to move her head away from the fast flowing water. Annie goes back to her little world, where she stares into nothingness and mumbles to herself. Sometimes I wish I had one of these worlds, where I can shut myself off from all the screaming and bloodshed. When it stops Johanna collapses vomiting water continuously, she must have been on the verge of drowning. I don't think Acanthus planned on killing her. To say all that was thrust at Johanna was water, the wounds are quite severe. The corners of her mouth have cracked open and bleed, a few of her teeth have been pushed out. I think she just gagged up one. Also, her whole mouth area is bright red and will no doubt bruise. 

Apart from being close to starvation, Annie doesn't get tortured as much as me or one of the others. I think she's more plagued by mind thoughts the physical pain.  

The whip is slashed against me. My back and legs get most of the blows. It's still inhumane pain but think I'm used to it now. The pain stays with me in the injury's afterword's, It's all I feel know. The only person who hasn't gotten used the Idea of inflicting pain against us prisoners is Avel, who has been shouting hate and threatening things towards the Peacekeepers. When I've finally been left alone Acanthus turns to Avel who still stands his ground.  

"That yelling you're doing is really irritating. Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" He says pointing back to me. 

"You animal! You and yur other Peacekeeper assholes can rot in hell!" Avel barks. Acanthus leaves my cell and steps into Avel's . Balbus has come to join him now. Holding a knife. 

"I don't care what ya do ta me now. I'm dead now or might as well be! Just leave these guys alone!" I can sense him becoming teary and frightened.  

"Acanthus is it time to shut this guy up yet?" Balbus asks turning to his partner in crime.  

"You know what Balbus, I think it is. I think this old fella with make a fine Avox. At least, if he behaves himself." With this the General whistles and three Peacekeepers make their way to the cell of the little old man from District 9. The pin him to a chair and hold him down firmly. 

What happens next goes by too fast, my brain can hardly comprehend what's going on. Balbus steps over Avel and places the knife in his mouth. Acanthus stands by holding a needle and some thread, ready the stitch the wound and complete the transaction from pure human to Avox. Avel doesn't even scream as Balbus proceeds he just gargles pitifully and fresh tears fall from his cheeks to the floor. When it's done blood pumps from the gory bloodbath and Acnathus takes Balbus' place and begins to stitch up the wound. Before he can finish the bloody mess Avel forcefully pushes him away and stands. He runs to the other end of his cell; blocking any Peacekeeper who comes near his half stitched mouth. Blood pulses from the wound flooding down his mouth and neck, drowning Avel. He falls the floor chocking on his own blood, reaching his hands out to me he gargles his last words. I don't hear one letter of them before he stops moving. He's dead in a pool of his own blood.

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