chapter 17

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I lay in my bed,unable to comprehend what I have witnessed. Some how I managed to contain my emotions until I was taken back to my cell beneath the ground in the secluded prison. When I got back I completely broke down; my cheeks are still covered in rashes from the abandoned tears which crust over my skin while new ones still form. Annie screams while I cry, however not for my sake but only to comfort her own madness. On the other side of me Johanna who is currently suffering from a severe case of flu nests on the floor in foetal position with a nose so bright it could signal a passing car.After hours I finally am able to stop crying. Acnathus comes around with a bowl of plain rice for each of us, I don't eat mine though my throat is to dry to swallow anything. Instead I give it to Annie who looks particularly malnourished today.

When the others, or what's left of them finally finish I reluctantly fall asleep, haunted by nightmares of standing over the mangled corpse of my father once more.

How could such an innocent human be brutally murdered? The injustice tempers me when I wake and when Balbus comes later with the water I spit in his face which serves me with a forceful punch in the gut. Annie greedily forces every last droplet into her mouth whereas Johanna just yelps in fright as the liquid touches her skin. Unlike my father, my mother had nothing of a kind heart. When I was first entered in the games she put more faith in Katniss than her own son. Ironic since it's true, I am weak. She loved my father though and he loved her so I had to respect her. For his sake. Commander James never showed me my mother's body or any of my brothers, probably nothing to show. The tears come flooding back.


It's ridiculous how lonely the prison makes you fell, even though they're around ten other people in the prison with me Peacekeepers and prisoners; I feel like the only person left on the planet. Still morning from my father's death when I attempt to stand and stretch my legs I simply fall to the floor as if I have no control of my limbs at all anymore. I lay still on the floor for what I think was a whole afternoon. Was it yesterday I saw my father. I have no clue. Acnathus enters my cell and crouches on the floor beside me but does not quite settle down.

"Are you up for doing another show?" He asks me a bit to politely. A rhetorical question of course.

"Not really." I answer truthfully flicking my gaze from the concrete floor up to the tired looking Peacekeeper. For a second, just a moment I see something cross his face. His pupils widen before retracting again, was that sorrow?

He returns to his usual forceful face and halls me onto my feet. Once I enter the elevator I catch sight of Johanna who thought puffed eyes and cheeks manages to give me a hearty smile before the doors close on us.


Today's show is not really an interview. More of a speech I must give on why a ceasefire is the best option. Acnathus shows me where I will sit; on an elevated seat close to President Snow's podium. That's the worst part, I have to be near that monster. After the Peacekeeper shows me around the stage he takes me to a sitting room similar to the one at the Game Centre. This one is decorated red and white and smells like blossoming roses which only adds to the fear curdling in my stomach. I sit still on a burgundy curved sofa in the corner of the room. I guess they are not going to bother making me look presentable this time. There is a small stereo mounted in the wall across from me which plays a calming lullaby which makes me feel tired and drowsy. All the energy I learnt to store collapses and I gently rest my head against one of the soft, white velvet cushions.

When I wake my head aches and all I can feel around me is pain. When my hearing finally returns I can hear a muffled talking from the room beside me. I gain the sudden urge to investigate so I place my ear against the hard wall.

"Excellent work. These plans will defiantly do." I hear President Snow say in a Stern but focused tone.

"Thank you sir. Like I said, we are able to launch them tonight at your command." Someone's voice who I'm not familiar with answers.

"Of course."

A door closes and only the voice of the unknown man and a few others remain, President Snow must have left.

"This will be great! If it goes to plan I'm sure to get a promotion!"

"Not before me you won't. Who designed the bomb in the first place?"

"Relax boys; how can you quarrel over such less important things? Just think, when we wake up tomorrow them pathetic rebels and the rest of District 13 will be nothing but a pile of ash and their precious Mockingjay shall be no more!"

Muffled laughter and then silence. I hastily jerk my head away from the wall, this cannot happen. They must be stopped! I can't let the Capitol bomb Katniss and District 13!

A songbirds soulmate- hunger games catching fire/mockingjay fanficWhere stories live. Discover now