chapter 4

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They leave me to cry for what seems like eternity. They don't seem to get fed up of my whimpering and they definitely enjoy my suffering. They turned off the recording hours ago but I can still her he screams in my ear.  

"I've heard enough of that for one day." I hear a voice say behind me and I hold back fresh tears immediately. His voice pierces me inside. He places his hand on my shoulder. I could smell the blood and roses a mile away. 

"You know what I think Peeta. I think you want to tell me what you know. I think your angry at them for leaving you, I can ease your suffering in a heartbeat. Just tell me what they're planning and I will make it all go away." He hisses into my ear. 

I push his hand off my shoulder not wanting any fibre of his being to stick to my body.  

"You know a lot sir." I say plainly. But my temper is shortening and I can hear my voice get more and more aggressive as I carry on speaking. "But you will never know anything from me because I wouldn't tell you if you were the last bloody person on earth!" 

I lift my gaze and I meet his eyes now. "President Snow." I manage to let role of my tongue without gaging.  

"I know you know I don't know anything really." I bark immediately turning off my act of hiding evidence. "So what am I really doing here?" 

"Why Peeta." He answers calmly. "You're our key. Our key to winning this war. " 

The next think I know Acanthus has stuck the electric rod onto the back of my neck and the waves of pain start again.


"Ah!" I moan as I rub the back of my neck. 

I'm awake but I'm still not in my cell. Instead I'm on what looks like an operation table in a room which looks all too familiar. It's my dressing room. It feels bizarre in here. Normally when I entered this room to get ready for my interview with Ceaser Flickerman or to get prepared to go down to the training room I was greeted to the sound of my preparation team and their giddy attitudes. Instead I hear nothing. It's cold and dark in here and even though it's midday the sun doesn't bounce off the deep purple walls. The white tiles on the floor look grey in the musky darkness, all the make-up materials stand-alone without their owners and I can tell the rooms liveliness has been sucked right out of existence.  

Two Peacekeepers strand by the door with their helmets on and they are holding firmly onto large guns. They don't meet my gaze and they stand incredibly sill like robots waiting for their command. 

"Hello Peeta." I hear in a whispered tone. I sit up and spin around on the table to see Portia. She looks scared and upset. Her make-up is smudged and she must have lost lots of weight because the brown sheet she wears as a gown is falling off her shoulders and she constantly pulls it back up. Her lips turn up a fraction, I think she's trying to smile but to be honest there is nothing to smile about. Her hair is in knots and it's hard to believe it's the same person; I hardly recognise her. The only thing that's the same is the twinkle in her eye and even that's faded.  

I feel angry, how could they do this to her? She's done nothing wrong. She sees me tense and holds my hand indicating me to calm down. She nods at the Peacekeepers as if telling me to not cause a scene. I do as commanded. 

"Oh Portia." I finally puff out as I stand and hug her tightly. She smells awful but I make no comment. I do as well so I'm at no place to judge. 

"This is no time for a heart-warming reunion Peeta we have to get you ready!" She cry's with fake excitement. 

"Ready for what?" I ask confused. 

"You're having a special interview with Caesar Flickerman." 

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