Chapter 1: The Choice.

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Namine stood there nervous and scared. A million things were racing through her head as she waited on Sora's answer. "What if he doesn't want to stay ?" She constantly asked her self. "How could he ever pick me?" Wondered Namine. She knew without a doubt that Sora would surely pick to go back to his old life, to the people who really mattered to him. "It's not fair.. I want to matter too!" She screamed to her self. She kept all of these thoughts silently to her self as she managed to keep a straight face, trying not to cry. "D-do I really have to choose?" Asked Sora. Namine looked up with an empty feeling in her stomach. "Yes" she replied. The room grew silent. "Go back to my old life... Or stay here with Namine ?" Sora wandered between the two thoughts. Sora was about to speak when suddenly something fell from his pocket. "Huh?" He said, looking down at the flower pendant. Picking it up, Sora examined it closely. "HEY!" He exclaimed with joy. "This is the pendant you gave to me when we were kids" he showed her the pendant. Namine knew that she didn't actually give him the pendant, but she didn't care. She wanted Sora so badly, she would lie in anyway she could. "That's right Sora, I made that out of stone and other marble when we were little, I wanted to give you something that reminded you of us" Namine said, with a guilty feeling in the back of her head. Sora looked at the pendant, remembering false memories of him and Namine sitting together, holding hands on destiny islands. The memories made him happy. "How could I ever give these up?" He said. Namine looked up with hope in her eyes. "You don't have to" she said, moving closer to Sora. "I want the memories that matter most to me" Replied Sora. Namine's heart broke. "Oh.. Ok, I'll get the chamber ready"
"And those memories are with you!" Sora quickly exclaimed running towards her and hugging her. Namine bursted into tears smiling, he had thought that he meant he wanted to go be with Kairi again. "R-really ?" She said, Her cheeks red. "Of course Namine, I want to stay here with you" said Sora. Even though Namine was a nobody, she felt like a somebody at that Moment. "I love you Sora!" Namine exclaimed Wrapping her arms around him. Namine never wanted to let go, he was finally hers. "I love you too Namine, more than you could ever know" replied Sora, Smiling. Namine knew that she tricked him with false memories.. But she didn't care. She had the love of her life and nothing else mattered. "Kairi never deserved him, he is mine" she thought. "Well I guess you will be living here now, I can't wait to spend time with you in the castle" Namine said smiling. "That sounds amazing to me Namine, I'd love to fall asleep beside you tonight" said Sora. "BE-BESIDE ME?!??" Namine thought to her self. She glowed inside, so deeply in love with him. She has always wanted to fall asleep beside him. "I-I would love that too Sora" she replied smiled. She took his hand and they walked out of the sleeping chamber, they talked for hours about their childhood. Even though the memories were false, Namine talked about them as though she had lived right through them. Nothing could ruin this Moment for them.

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