Chapter 3: The Spectator

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Namine and Sora entered her room. It was huge and magnificent, spanning 20 feet to the ceiling and 40 feet across. Sora took it all in, the white table in the middle, The beautiful bed stand with blankets made so perfectly they look as if they had never been slept in. The only mess in the room was the scatter of pencils and drawing paper along the foot of the bed. "Quite fitting for a castle" said Sora, taking in the view. Namine walked past him and sat at the table, she smiled and signaled Sora to Come and sit with her as well. The room was so large that it felt like Namine was 100 feet away. Sora walked over to her and took an Empty sit next to her. "So, what do you think" asked Namine. She really hoped that he would like his surroundings. It was quite different then the tropical paradise of destiny islands, where the palm trees reached for the clouds and the ocean sparkled around the island. Namine knew that her world was very different but maybe that isn't such a bad thing. "It's amazing Namine" said Sora, still looking all around the glowing room. Smiling Namine got up and walked towards the other side of the room. A large door stood on the other side, and with one gentle push, it flew open.  Namine waved her finger at Sora, asking him to join her. Eagerly, Sora ran over to her, the sound of his large shoes echoing in the her room. "How about this?" asked Namine, pointing toward the balcony: Sora approached it with her, as he got closer, he could the grass lands stretching out for miles. The sun setting and the sky getting darker. Namine stood beside him, staring at him. She loved him more than he could ever know, and the ability to share this with him was everything to her. As Sora was distracted by the view, she slowly moved her hand ontop of his. They both stood there looking out over the banister. She laid her head on his shoulder. This surprised Sora. "Huh?" He grunted as he looked over at her. "I-is this ok?" Namine asked, her eyes glowing in the sunset. "It's perfect Namine" replied Sora, pulling her closer. They both watched the sunset until it was completely night time over Castle oblivion. "Ready to go in?" Asked Namine. It was getting late and she knew it would be best to return inside the Castle, it gets dangerous at night outside. They both returned into Namine's room which had turned a dim beautiful orange color. Sora started walking back towards the table to rest his legs, but noticed Namine was not behind him. "Namine?" Sora asked, looking for her. "Over here!" Namine yelled, smiling. She was sitting on the foot of her bed, in a nighttime dress. "Oh there you are" Sora said with relief. "I was thinking we could sit over here instead, it's so much more comfortable then those hard chairs" said Namine. "That's fine Namine, just don't disappear on me like that please" replied Sora, walking over to her. Those words made Namine's head spin and heart flutter. Sora was worried about her and that  made her feel so special. He was all hers. Sora sat next to Namine, admiring how beautiful she looked in her dress. Her eyes glowed as she stared at him, his eyes glowing back. Out the corner of his eye. Sora noticed something hanging on her wall next to her bed. "What is that Namine ?" Asked Sora, looking at the wall. Namine followed his eyes back to the wall, hanging on the wall was a amazing drawing of Sora. "I-is that me ?" Asked Sora. "D-do you like I-it?" Asked Namine nervously. She had forgotten to a hang a sheet to hide it before leaving her room last. She never expected him to stay with her, so she didn't worry about it much. The drawing wasn't just of Sora but two other people as well. "Who are those other people in the drawing Namine?" Asked Sora.
Namine didn't know what to say, the other two people were Riku and Kairi but since Namine changed Sora's memories, he can't remember them.
"I don't know, they are just there to fill the image" said Namine, trying her best to sound convincing.
"Oh..ok" said Sora, smiling. "Either way I love it!" he quickly added. "I'm so glad you do Sora... You mean everything to me" she said calmly and happily. Namine was relieved he didn't dwell on the other in the picture, to be honest, Namine hated Kairi and Riku, Especially Kairi. Namine was Always able to watch over Sora and Kairi and Riku. She watched Them laugh, she watched them smile and spend time together. Through out the years, Namine developed a deep crush on him, she wanted Sora so badly. She use to watch Sora and Kairi hold hands and say sweet things to each other. It burned anger in Namine. But ever since Sora and Kairi and Riku were separated by the door to kingdom hearts, Namine was finally given the chance to make Sora hers, she no longer had to be the spectator . Now that Sora choose to stay with her in Castle Oblivion, he doesn't remember Kairi anymore. Sora loved Namine now, and that's all she ever wanted. "Namine, are you ok ?" Sora asked. Namine was pulled out of her deep thoughts and flash backs of Kairi and Sora. "um yeah, I'm fine" she replied, smiling. Namine realized how late it was. "It's getting late, and I have big day planned for us tomorrow, we should get some sleep" said Namine. "Sure, I could sleep" replied Sora. Namine got under the covers and Sora kissed her on the cheek and began to leave the room, turning off the light for her. The room Namine had for him was back at the bottom of the steps. "S-Sora" Namine whispered. Stopping just before closing the door, he looked at her. "Yes, Namine?" Asked Sora, his eyes glowing in the dim light. "C-could you sleep in here with me ?" She asked, blushing and nervous. "R-really, you want me to ?" Asked Sora, blushing. "Mhm" Namine nodded. Walking over to her, he laid down beside her. "Goodnight Namine" he whispered. As Namine cuddled next to him, she opened her eyes to see Sora looking at her. "I love you Namine" he whispered. "Kiss me.." She whispered back. Sora leaned forward and pressed his lips against Namine's. It was all Namine ever wanted. She felt her nobody heart, beat for the first time. She never wanted this to end. After kissing for a little bit, they pulled away. Namine and Sora both blushing. "Your all mine" said Namine. "All yours" replied Sora. They fall asleep in each other's arms. CONTINUED IN PART 4 (still in progress)

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