Chapter 7: Confrontation

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<The next day>
Namine awoke. She laid there and stared at the ceiling as the warm light filled the room. Sora was asleep, holding her closely. She smiled and kissed his forehead. "Your all mine" she whispered and smiled. Namine could only
Relish this calmness for a few moments more. She knew that she would have to make a second attempt to get a paopu fruit from destiny islands again tonight. She will wait until dark and sneak through. Grab the fruit, and get out. It will be the very last time she steps foot in that place. She carefully snuck out of bed and down the stairs. She decided to give sora a few sleeping pills the night before so he would sleep all day so she could have time to prepare for the plan. All she has to do now was wait till dark...

<Later that night>
Namine walked toward the secret entrance towards the portal room. She entered it with a anxious look on her face. She closed the door behind her. She began to summon the portal to destiny islands. She took a deep breath and and as she opened her eyes, the portal was open. She looked through. It was dark and night time in destiny islands. She took one last deep breath and walked through. The smell of sea salt and the sound of ocean water hitting the sand calmed her but at the same time turned her stomach inside out. She looked around to make sure no one was around. The coast seemed clear. She walked the path to the paopu fruit tree. As she finally reached it, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. The tree was completely empty of paopu. Someone had picked them all. "That fucking girl.." she muttered. Namine looked around and noticed that on the far side of the island,
Up the small Rocky Mountain was the
Beach house. She must be there. Namine quietly snuck over to the beach house. She peered through the window. She saw kairi asleep on the hammock with a basket of paopu beside her. The front door was locked. "Damn it" she whispered to her self. She looked around for another away, when she noticed a open window. She very carefully climbed to the top and through the window. The room was relatively small. She noticed drawings on the wall. She realized she was in sora's old room.
She smiled. "Don't worry, sora I'll get us the paopu fruit" she said to herself. She peered out the door into the hallway. The walls
Were covered in decoration and sea shells. She quietly tip toed to the stairs to the living room where kairi was sleeping. Kairi was fast asleep, and held a small picture frame of her, Riku and sora in her hand. Namine clenched her fist with anger. It was clear that even though she erased sora's memories of kairi. Kairi hasn't forgotten about sora. "Just keep it together Namine" she said to herself. She was so close to the paopu fruit, only a few inches more. She very slowly grabbed one and put it in her satchel. She made her way for the front door, she was going to unlock it and make a run for the portal at the bottom of the Mountain. "One foot at a time" she kept reminding her self. But just as Namine was almost in the clear. She stepped onto a squeaky floor board. Kairi's eyes opened and she awoke. She looked down at the paopu to find a piece missing. "What.. what!" She yelled. She looked up to see Namine standing there. Namine tried to make a run for the front door, but kairi was too quick. She cornered Namine into a corner. "T-this can't be happening!" Namine started yelling. "Who the hell are you?!" Yelled kairi back. "Why do you keep coming here!?" She added. "I w-won't tell you" Namine said, she was started to visibly
Shake and freak out. "The other day! When you came here... why?" Said kairi stepping closer. "I just w-wanted to see the ocean" Namine said trying to lie. Kairi could tell she way lying. "You can travel from world to world can't you?" Kairi asked. Namine started to break down..
She was cornered. She couldn't let kairi know the truth, it would ruin everything. She would do whatever it takes to make it back to that portal. "Y.. you are a stupid.. undeserving and ungreatful little annoyance" said Namine in anger. "W-what?" Said kairi surprised. Namine stepped closer. "I've been watching you kairi,
For a very long time, watching you live your perfect little life" hissed Namine. "You really
Had it all.. a beautiful home,
Beautiful ocean.. a-and him" she whimpered. Namine realized What She had just said,
It was a slip of the tongue. "Him?" Kairi asked feeling puzzled. "N-nothing!" kairi yelled. "Just let me leave, I'll never come back I swear!" Namine cried out. "I have been stuck on this island for weeks now.. I am not spending another day here" yelled kairi. "Your gonna use your Portal magic to help me get out of here" kairi added clenching her fists. "Your going to ruin everything... just stop searching for them.. for him." Said Namine with anger in her heart.
"How do you know that I'm looking for someone?" Asked kairi. Namine couldn't hold it in any longer. "You had your chance to be with him it's my
Turn" said Namine.
"W..wait are you talking about?" Whispered kairi in shock. "That's right kairi.. I'm talking about Sora" she whispered                        

"You know where sora is?" questioned kairi with passion in her eyes. Namine's cheeks turned blood red with anger. "Far away from here, somewhere you will never ever reach" Namine yelled. Kairi walked towards her with her fist clenched. "I've known Sora my entire life, I have the right to be with him!" Yelled Kairi. "SHUT UP!" Namine yelled back as she pushed kairi away.

Kairi stumbles on a piece of furniture falling backwards and hitting her head. Surprised, Namine runs for the door. "HEY! COME BACK!" yelled Kairi as she began to chase after her. Namine's heart was pounding harder than ever before as she ran to the shore line, Kairi not far behind. Namine could see the portal in the far off distance. "Just a little further!" she exclaimed. Just feet away from the portal, she leaped through. She felt the cold floor of the castle on her hands and face. She quickly got up and tried to turn off the portal. "Stop!!!!" She heard Kairi yell from the other side. "Goodbye Kairi, Forever" Namine smirked as she closed the portal. She took a deep breath and took a deep sigh of relief that she made it back safely this time. Just as she began to make her way out of the chamber, she heard a noise. "Not so fast mystery girl" said a voice. Namine's eyes widened and her heart sank as she turned around to see that kairi had made it through. "looks like you have some explaining to do" Said kairi as she crossed her arms.

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