MORE Goosebumps Theories/Information!

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OK, I'm sorry that I've been posting a LOOOOTTTTT about Goosebumps, but dang, I keep finding new information about the movie! (It's almost like Gravity Falls mystery solving, in all honesty). Remember when I told you guys about R.L.Stines typewriter, and how I used Goosebumps Wiki as a example? Well, most of this information comes from there. I don't know if some of these are 100% true, but I do feel like this should be added/discussed more in Goosebumps 2. Alright, here we go!

Movie R.L.Stine had a wife who left him.
Found in : Hannah Fairchild, Goosebumps Wiki, movie Hannah
Thoughts : I think this could be a really cool idea for the next Goosebumps movie, especially if Jack Black (R.L.Stine) has to take care of a movie version of R.L.Stines real life son, Matthew Stine. It would also be neat if movie R.L.Stine and wife could finally make peace after a feud of sorts, so Matthew can visit R.L.Stine whenever he wanted to. They don't have to get back together (Since I ship R.L.Stine X Lorraine), but I think this could teach the younger viewers that it's ok if your parents don't get back together. Just because your parents are divorced and/or one/both parents married someone else, You can still have an amazing family!

Because the monsters became real to R.L.Stine, they became real in real life.
Found in : R.L.Stine, Goosebumps Wiki
Thoughts : this could possibly mess up my entire theory of Writers gifted the powers to create characters that come to life! But, this could also be hinting at fangirls and fanboys everywhere, especially those who create OCs. This could be saying that if you believe that your OCs are real, then they will become real. Though this could be labeled as false hope, I do believe that if you think hard enough, your OCs do become real to you. Maybe not to others, but your OCs became the friends that always have ya back, no matter what.

Special (more like cursed) typewriter
Found in : R.L.Stine, Goosebumps Wiki
Thoughts : Ok, so now we know that the typewriter is cursed.... Right? Not entirely. Whoever wrote this phrase obviously thought that the special typewriter was more or lessed cursed, so.... Yeah, this doesn't really confirm my theory on R.L.Stines "cursed" typewriter.

R.L.Stine in real life has a brother named Bill Stine
Found in : R.L.Stines family, Google
Thoughts : ....... Is this Bill Cipher possessing R.L.Stines brother, or.......? (GRAVITY FALLS X GOOSEBUMPS CROSSOVER CONFIRMED?!?!? XD)

Thanks for reading and bearing with me through my Goosebumps fangirl attack! Have a great day and God Bless!

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