Colorless Secrets (LAMPT)

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Ship: LoganxPattonxRomanxThomasxVirgil (LAMPT)
AU: None
Warnings: Panic/anxiety attack
Requested By: No One
Plot: Virgil is secretly been color blind and the others find out.


The day started out normal, like every other average day before it. He woke up, he went to the kitchen for breakfast with his boyfriends, he sat on the couch, scrolling through tumblr. Suddenly Patton sat next to him, and then everything started going down hill.

"Hi Marshmallow." Patton greeted.

"Hey Cookie, What do you need?"

Patton waved his phone in Virgil's face, "want to take this online quiz with me?"

"Sure, what's it about?"

Patton jumped and squealed excitedly, "it's a color blind test! There are different circles with different numbers or images made of dots in different shades of a color or similar colors, like shades of green, or oranges and reds."

Virgil's eyes widened, he couldn't escape taking the test with Patton, but Patton would also discover his color blindness. "O-okay."

Patton unlocked his phone, and they started going through the photo's. It only took 2 for Patton to notice that not only did Virgil not see the numbers, but also that he was getting more upset with each photo. They only went through the first 6 of the 23 images before Patton stopped, not liking how upset Virgil was. Just in those first few photo's, Virgil was starting to hyperventilate, causing tears to spring to his eyes as he held Patton hand tightly.

"Virgil, are you colorblind?" He tired to keep his voice calm and soothing, but as the words left his lips, Virgil burst into tears. "Virgil! Virgil, please breath! Breath for me, follow my breathing yeah? In for 4, hold for 7, yeah?"

Rather than breathing, Virgil spiraled into a panic attack. In less than a minute, his vision was spinning and swimming at the same time, black dots slowly take over his site. His hands were clammy with sweat as the shook from where they sat on his legs. His thoughts ran a muck in head, going as fast as his heart that pounded in his rib cage, sucking all the oxygen from his lungs. Suddenly, Patton was yelling something, he couldn't tell what between the blood rushing through his ears and the insistent ringing.

Roman and Logan came in a second later and Roman took Patton's place and Patton went to Logan. Roman hadn't even opened his mouth to speak, but Virgil was shaking his head to the unasked question. "Patton, he can't hear." Patton carefully reached over and took Virgil's hand in his own, sending a wave of calmness through the boy. "Now?" Virgil slowly nodded. Virgil nodded again, letting Roman know he could now hear. Roman carefully took his hand, and when Virgil didn't immediately pull away, he started leading him through breathing exercises.

Logan held Patton's other hand to comfort him. He knew Patton always felt bad when he couldn't help one of his boyfriends in their time of need. "What happened?" The question was spoken lowly, in a calm manner, in hopes of keeping Patton from growing more upset.

"Well, I... I saw this test sort of thing online, and I wanted to spend time with Virgil, so I asked if he wanted to do this test thing with me. So, we started and we only got to about the 7th one before he started hyperventilating and, and I couldn't help. I'm so sorry. I'm a terrible boyfriend." Patton sank to the ground, tears streaming down his face. He held tightly onto Virgil's hand, not wanting to let go.

Logan kneeled down in front of him, reaching out to wipe his tears. "Patton, Love, you are not a terrible boyfriend. You are absolutely amazing. You see this?" Logan reached out and carefully tapped Patton's hand that was holding Virgil's. "You are helping so much. You didn't know this was going to happen, you couldn't help in the way you thought you needed to, but you are still helping. We all love you, so much." The two of them were quiet for a moment before Logan spoke up again. Something Patton left out had confused him. "What kind of test was it?"

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