Angry Confessions (LoganxThomasxVirgil)

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Ship: LoganxThomasxVirgil Ft. PattonxRoman (Royality)
AU: None
Warnings: None
Requested by:  Peanut0303
Plot: A prequel Vows, Virgil angrily spouts out his feelings Logan and Thomas after they find out Roman and Patton recently got together.


It was just supposed to be a normal recording day, they were just recording a new Sander Sides video for the Fanders. How they got here, all but screaming as they argued, he didn't know. One moment they were just recording their lines of the script, then Roman made a passing comment, a line he ad-libbed in the moment, and everything went to hell.

"My boyfriend still loves me." He wasn't supposed to say that, he was supposed just roll off the comment and scoff, quickly moving past it. It wasn't that no one knew that Patton and Roman had started dating four months back, Roman had already posted it all the over his twitter and Instagram and Snapchat that they were together in the first hour, he was so happy. It shouldn't have turned into an argument from there, it should have just been passing comment as they continued the video. But nothing could go as Virgil hoped.

All he had done was scoff and roll his eyes, nothing out of the ordinary, his own way of brushing of the comment. It wasn't like he didn't want Patton and Roman together for some reason, or that he hated them or something, he could honestly care less. It was his own way of laughing off the way the Prince brushed off Logan's attack on his loudness. He didn't hate Roman, but Roman seemed to have a vengeance out for him.

Roman turned to look at him, a small glare set in his eyes. Virgil began to panic internally, this wasn't part of the script, what was Roman doing? "Your just jealous that I have a boyfriend and you don't."

Virgil froze for a second, sound of Patton calling Roman's name in an exasperated tone dying on his ears. In truth, he was sort of jealous. It was hard for him to watch Patton and Roman being cute, when he knew he would never be able to have and hold the men he loved. Yes, men, plural. He had fallen for both Logan and Thomas a long time ago, but he would never tell anyone this, not even Patton. "No, I don't care."

"Really? Why'd you hesitate? You are jealous, aren't you?" Roman presses, watching with a smirk as Virgil curled back a bit into his hoodie.

"No, like I said, I don't care." He wished Roman had left it there.

"Oh, I get it, your not jealous because you already have someone, yeah?" Neither of them saw the way Logan and Thomas's faces dropped at the accusation, but Patton did. Then he tried harder to pull Roman away from the impromptu argument.

Was it's even an argument at that point? It seemed to one sided to be an argument, but Virgil still fought back. "I don't have a boyfriend."

"Who said anything about boyfriend? I just said someone. Are you admitting you're just as gay as the rest of us?" Roman knew somewhere that he had hit a soft spot, something he should have never even gone near, but he was too wrapped up in get a rise out of Virgil.

Virgil could hear Patton gasping out Roman's name in shock as Thomas and Logan protested that they stop this instant, but it fell on deaf ears. "I- you-"

"What? Still don't want to say it out loud? Is that why your jealous? Because you like me? Or maybe you like Patton? And you're just jealous because you can't have him for your self, so you scoff at any mention of our relationship."

Virgil felt hands clenching at his heart. Did Roman really think that? Did Roman really think he didn't want them together? "No, that's not. I don't. I don't like you or Patton, not in that way."

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