Yelling is Bad for my Health (ThVi)

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Ship: ThomasxVirgil (ThVi)
AU: None
Warnings: Yelling, harsh words, anxiety attack
Plot: When Virgil kicks in and is his anxious self about Thomas possibly telling a crush he likes him, Roman and Logan get angry and send Virgil into an anxiety attack.


"Look, all I'm saying is you don't know if he likes you. I'm just trying to save you from possible heart break." And the impossible to ignore fact that I like you for some god forsaken reason. Virgil had tried to ignore it for a long time now, but it was getting harder and harder to ignore that he liked his host in a more than platonic way. He couldn't decide why or when it happened, but he just realized it one day, and he was determined that the universe hated him and wanted to make his life miserable. First, no one liked him at all, then he had to fall for the one person he could never have in a million years.

Roman's laugh broke him out of his trance. "Save him from heart break? Jon obviously likes him back! There would be no heart break!"

"But does he like him as more than a friend? Platonic love and romantic love are two very different things."

"Look, I-"

Thomas held up a hand, speaking up over Roman. "He's right, I don't know what I was thinking. I don't think V-Jon likes me back." He walked off up the stairs, past Virgil and into his room, shutting the door softly behind him.

"I'm gonna go check on him," and Patton too went up the stairs, leaving Virgil with a fuming Roman and an annoyed looking Logan.

Roman was suddenly in his face, backing him into the wall. "What is wrong with you?! You can't even let his have this?! You couldn't even let him be happy for once?! Even after all the shit we've been dealing with after the guys and dolls incident, and he is finally ready to move on and be happy again, you just can't let him!"

"I- I wasn't trying to-"

"Weren't trying to what? Leave Thomas unhappy?! Make Thomas to anxious to approach his crush?! Because that's exactly what it seems to be what you were trying to do!"

Then Logan butted in, "he isn't wrong. You were blatantly trying to stop Thomas from telling Jon that he liked him, by any means necessary. If I didn't know better, I would say you liked Thomas yourself." Virgil's face burned bright red at Logan's words and the other two realized Logan was right.

"What is wrong with you?! He is the host! He is basically us! We are facets of his personality! He doesn't even like you back! He likes Jon! And now, because of your stupid feelings, you can't let Thomas be happy! You upset him and now he is up there possibly crying or something because of you!" Roman yelled. Virgil could feel the attack coming, he was already freaking out on his own about his feelings, but to have someone else confirm it made it worse.

Logan shook his head, "I don't understand. If you already know that there is no chance of Thomas returning your feelings, why do you continue to pursue him? Roman isn't wrong, Thomas likes Jon and not you, he told us he likes Jon. You know for a fact that Thomas does not return your strange feelings. So, in the end, why do they matter? Why would you not put aside your feelings for Thomas's sake?" Then the attack set in. In seconds, he couldn't breath, the room began to spin, he felt hot and cold at the same time, tears began to rapidly fall as he thoughts ran a million miles a second. He couldn't figure out why this set himself off so easily, he had known for a long time that Thomas would never accept his feelings, nor return them, it was why he never said anything in the first place. Maybe it was the fact that it was being thrown in his face, maybe it was the reminder that his feelings were and always would be invalid, maybe it was the reminder that he is the problem. There were a lot of things, and they just kept coming as Logan and Roman went on and on, seeming not to see Virgil's panicked state.

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