t h r e e

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I quickly replied to the message:

Tammy: heyy? who this?

I mean, it isn't a complete mystery of who it is. It's probably Grayson. Oh lord I'm cliche/cringey.

Please leave me be peeps.

Soon after the three dots appeared on the screen.

Unknown: You really don't know?😂 thought you would have my number in your phone😌

Tammy: Grayson, I know this is you. Just wanted to make sure. I just met you loser, why would I have your number?😂

Grayson: I dunno😂 thought you would at least try to find it

Tammy: Nahh I would've asked later on😂 btw how'd you get my number?😏 you stalker

Grayson: I know people😌 and I forgot to ask you so. And you seem pretty chill and I wanted to become friends😁

Tammy: Well you have it now😂 but let's talk some other time. Watching series with the momma.

Grayson: Cute😊 okay. See you at school tomorrow 💪🏼

I locked my phone and looked up to my mom, who had a big smirk on her face.

"What? What's wrong with your face?" I said getting up to quickly grab my unopened Reese's packet, hitting her playfully on the way back.

"What was that smile on your face for?"

Smile? Shit. Was I actually smiling at Grayson's texts? I guess I did lol. He's an interesting idiot. How could I not?

"Oh. No nothing. Just someone texted me something funny. " I said opening my Reese's packet. This wasn't a total lie. Someone DID text me, just not something funny, but kinda cute.

I don't hide things from my mom unless it's something I'm not sure of. Like boys. I almost never talk about boys to her. She mostly starts talking about them, but boy talk is so cliche.

"You're lying. It was a boy. He sent you something that made you smile." she smirked again.

"Mom, you know I hate talking about boys. But yes. It was one of those twins I met today. I just smiled because he said I seemed like an interesting person and he would love to be friends with me. That's it." I said stuffing my face with a Reese's cup.

"Okay. I believe you." she winked. "Just know you can talk to me about anything. Even boys, even though you hate talking about them. Eventually you are going to love it"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I laughed then realized she hasn't put PLL on yet. "MOM! PLL! I need to know who AD is!"

"Oh yes." She chuckled and then finally opened Netflix and soon we started watching.


"One, don't pick up the phone
You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone,
Two, don't let him in
You have to kick him out again,
Three, don't be hus friend,
You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning,
And if you're under him,
You ain't getting over him"

My alarm goes waking me up instantly, because it's my favorite song. I always make my favorite songs my alarm, so that I could start off the day fresh and full of motivation, and not let an annoying, depressing, 'I have no life' song wake me up, because that shit makes me want to sleep even more. It's a modern day lullaby in my opinion.

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