t h i r t y t w o

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"Two Watermelon Salvations, one Mango Blast and one Cherry Pop smoothie please." I placed our order at a small smoothie cart by The Grove.

The smoothie guy nodded. "Ten dollars please."

I handed him the ten dollars and he began making our smoothies.

"I could've paid." Grayson said leaning on the cart.

"I wanted to get smoothies so it's my treat. I need to spoil you too sometimes." I winked then looked back at the guy making our smoothies.

Grayson rolled his eyes and laughed. "You spoil me everyday by just being in my presence." He smirked.

"You're so cheesy, but that's what I love about you." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

The smoothie guy turned around. "Here's your Mango Blast, Cherry Pop and two Watermelon Salvations." He handed the smoothies to me and Grayson.

We thanked the guy then began walking out of The Grove.

"Ethan just doesn't like cherries, even though he says he's allergic, he really isn't." Grayson chuckled.

"And that's exactly why I got him this cherry smoothie. He won't even know it's cherry." I said and we laughed.

"So," he started. "When's our next date?" He took a sip of his mango smoothie and looked over to me.

"Up to you." I chuckled as we got into the uber.

We greeted the driver and then continued our conversation.

"Not too soon though, I need something to look forward to." Grayson winked.

"True." I smiled and placed my hand in his knee. "I'm kind of looking forward to you talking about me in the video tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, that's something I'm also excited for." He chuckled. "It's going to be great talking about you to the fans."

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "You're so cute." I whispered.

He blushed a little and smiled.


"Get your smoothies!" I yelled as I entered our apartment.

"Whoo!" Lina jumped up from the couch and ran over to me. "What flavor did you get?"

"I got a watermelon smoothie for you and me, and I got Ethan a mixed berry one." I said giving her her smoothie. I looked over at Grayson and winked at him, because of the little lie I told.

"What kind of berries?" Ethan said getting up and walked over to me.

"Mostly the red ones. Like strawberry, cranberry, raspberry and what not." I handed him his smoothie.

"No cherries right?" He said giving me a stern look.

"No cherries." I smiled and he nodded, taking the smoothie and took a sip. Grayson stood next to me as he was still sipping on his smoothie.

"Wow, this is really good." Ethan said impressed and sat back down.

Me and Grayson tried so hard to contain our laughter and almost lost it when we saw Ethan taking huge sips from it. We managed to laugh at each other silently.

"What's so funny?" Lina asked and Ethan looked back at us, still drinking non stop. We managed to contain the laughter just a bit.

"Oh, uhm, I was just laughing at a story that Grayson told me earlier." I stuttered.

"What story?" Ethan asked and took another sip of his smoothie. "I probably know it."

"The couples costume one." I chuckled and Ethan started laughing.

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