f o r t y f i v e

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"Honey, we're home!" I shouted as me and Grayson entered the apartment.

Lina ran into the kitchen with only a towel around her body.

"Girl I need your help." Lina said and grabbed my arm after I placed the groceries on the table. "Outfit dilemma."

I chuckled and looked over at Grayson. "We'll be ready in about two hours, so go keep yourself company with your brother."

"But I want company from you!" He exclaimed and chuckled.

"So does Lina, you hoe. You're so needy today!" I joked as we walked to Ethan's room.

"Wait! The guests arrive at the beach in an half hour! You're gonna make us late!" Grayson yelled once more.

"You guys can go, me and Tammy are gonna be fashionably late." Lina told Grayson.

"Big entrance, Bailey." I raised my eyebrows and smiled.

"Whatever. I'm going to get dressed." He said and walked to his room where Ethan was.

Me and Lina entered Ethan's room, where my eyes were met with a huge pile of clothing laying on the bed.

"Woah." I said.

"See. Dilemma."

"I can see that." I laughed. "Okay, time for action."

Out of the pile I grabbed a few pieces of clothing, and came up with a cute outfit:

Out of the pile I grabbed a few pieces of clothing, and came up with a cute outfit:

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"There." I said as I handed the pieces of clothing to Lina.

"How did I not see this?" She asked herself confused.

I chuckled and walked over to my side of the closet. I took out a green and blue flannel, shorts, a grey tank crop top and a necklace my mom gave me for my birthday a few years ago. And let's not forget my handy dandy old school white vans.

A few moments after we got dressed, we both sat cross legged infront of Ethan's big mirror, there was a soft knock on the door

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A few moments after we got dressed, we both sat cross legged infront of Ethan's big mirror, there was a soft knock on the door.

"You decent?" Ethan's muffled voice asked behind the door.

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