e i g h t e e n

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I arrived at school and the game already started.

"Shit." I swore under my breath as I began to run to the bleachers.

I stopped at the side of the bleachers to look for Sydney. It took me a minute but then I saw her waving at me and I jogged over to her. She was standing next to the field.

"Bleachers are packed today." I said as I reached her. "Sorry I'm late."

"It's fine. Grayson was just a bit worried earlier. He kept looking at the gate before they started."

"Ugh, I feel bad. But you all know I'm always late to everything." I chuckled.

"Yeah, well at least you're here." She smiled. "And I think someone just noticed." She said pointing towards the field.

I looked up to the field and saw Grayson smiling at me from the other side. I smiled back shyly, thinking about last night again. Our glance was interrupted by his coach who was about to put him on.

"Oh look, Gray's coming up." Sydney said hitting my arm and pointing faintly at Grayson.

I was already looking at him because of the gaze a few moments ago.

I kept thinking about the kiss last night so I looked over to our spot on the bleachers where a woman, her husband and their two daughters, both of them twins and about five years old, sat. I smiled at the thought of that being me someday, coming to my son's lacrosse game with my other kid or kids and the love of my life, who I still wonder to this day who it could be.

I shook the thought out of my head for myself not to worry about right now. My eye caught the sight of Lisa and Sean who were sitting next to the family.

"Hey, I'm gonna go great their parents, okay?" I told Sydney and she nodded, not removing her eyes from the field, well Ethan of course.

I walked over to Lisa and Sean and smiled when Lisa saw me.

"Tammy, dear! It's only been a day but it's good to see you." She said and stood up to give me a hug.

"Well, I haven't seen you in a while so it is very good to see you, Tammy." Sean said, who also stood up to give me a hug and sat back down, turning his focus back to the game.

"So, Lisa. I was wondering if Grayson can maybe come over later this afternoon? Just to hang out. My parents are having a date night and they didn't want me to be alone." I smiled.

"Of course! He could use some time relaxing. He's been very busy this whole week with sign outs, football, lacrosse and homecoming."

I nodded and smiled.

"What should he bring tonight?" She said, grabbing my hand as I crouched down, not wanting to spoil someone's view of the game.

"Oh, no nothing. My parents are leaving me money so that we could order some pizza or something." I said smiling at her.

"You don't have to pay for the night alone. Here, how much do you need?" She said taking her wallet out and grabbed out a twenty dollar bill, reaching it out to me.

I pushed the bill back to her in denial. "You already did my Homecoming hair for free, that is more than enough."

She smiled and placed the wallet back in her purse. "You're such a sweetheart." She pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. "Now go and enjoy the game with Sydney." She said and I nodded, getting up and walking back to Sydney.

I watched as Grayson played the game and every now and then he would look over here.

Freaking dumb cute assclown.

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