t h i r t y n i n e

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"What beach are we going to?" Grayson asked as he made a right hand turn.

I looked over at him from the passenger seat and smirked.

"Oh that beach." He realized and smirked at me.

The beach he asked me to be his girlfriend and where he first told me he loved me.

Ugh I love him.

"I don't know what beach you two are smirking about, but please drive carefully, Grayson. I'm scared for my life. You haven't even got your license yet. How are you driving a car?" Lina said paranoid.

"It's one of Logan's old cars, so he gave it to us." Ethan chuckled at Lina.

"Well what if a cop pulls you over?" She panicked.

Grayson shrugged. "We won't. We just have to drive carefully untill we can get our licenses next year."

"You're insane." Lina stated.

"And that's why you love me." Grayson teased and chuckled.

Lina rolled her eyes and laughed. "Just be careful okay?"

"I said I will, so chill." Grayson turned his focus back to the road.

I smiled at myself because of Grayson and Lina's relationship. Their relationship was special to me. I wanted my boyfriend and my best friend to have a good relationship, and well, now they do.

"So what beach are we going to?" Ethan asked after a few moments.

"Me and Tammy's special beach." Grayson smiled, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Oh the one you guys sucked each other's face off. I see. What a great place to spend our birthday." Ethan laughed.

"Well you're not wrong." Grayson smirked.

I slapped him on the arm. "Ew no. It was just a little make out. Nothing gross."

"I'm kidding." He chuckled.

"I'm not." Ethan joked.

"Well you weren't there, so how would you know?" My head shot back at Ethan.

"Grayson's the type." Lina joined the conversation, laughing.

"Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no. I am not that kind of guy." Grayson defended himself.

"Kidding." Lina threw her hands up in surrender, chuckling, earning a big smile from Ethan.

Well now she's freaking out inside.

I laughed at their bickering and continued to stare out the window. Grayson poked my thigh with his index finger and chuckled.

"You are one weird specimen." I smiled, poking him back.

He was wearing black swimming trunks, a blue tank and black nike slides. Ethan was also wearing black trunks, but with a black tank and white nike slides. They truly were dressed like twins today.

Lina was wearing a yellow bikini with ruffles, a black pair of shorts and a pair of black flip flops.

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