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It is now 2 months after we met the twins. You would think that we hepled them to not get bullied anymore, but those things can't be stopped that easily. Me and Sydney have also received some hate for being friends with them, but that didn't stop us. They are our best friends and we will never leave them in time of need.

Ethan and Sydney officially started dating two weeks ago.

What did I tell you?

Me and Grayson? No. We're just friends. We still flirt now and then, and have minute long silent stares, but that's about it.

Grayson and Ethan are actually at the lowest point mentally that they've ever been before. They keep telling me and Sydney that we, the fans and their family are the only good things in their life.

For the past few days I haven't seen their beautiful smiles. Only frowns and sad faces. I haven't heard them laugh either. Well, I DID hear laughs and saw smiles, but they were fake. Not genuine.

The people at school are getting worse and worse towards them and they are trying to convince their parents to become home schooled, but they're still not sure what to do.

Leaving school would mean no more lacrosse, football and wrestling matches and practices. Which kind of makes me sad, because I love watching them play the sports they love. Their dad is also big on sports so it's not going to be easy backing out.

We were all at my house, on a Friday night, sitting on the sofas and about to watch a movie.

"THE NOTEBOOK!" Sydney yelled, throwing her hands up in the air as she sat next to Ethan on the small sofa, his arm around her.

"Can we not watch something that's going to make me more depressed?" Grayson said walking from the kitchen with the popcorn bowl in his hands. He plotted himself next to me and sighed.

"Grayson, it's a romance, you idiot. It won't make you depressed." Sydney said throwing a blanket over her and E.

"Romances just make me want to have a relationship with someone, but I don't have anyone to have that with." Grayson said.

I couldn't help but get a bit hurt after he said that.

Yes. I like Grayson. Did you really think I wouldn't? After time I began to realize it more and more. He's just so... I don't know. He's just so Grayson.

"Hello? Tammy is right here, waiting for someone to come pick her up from Single Lane and drop her off at Lovers Lane with that someone by her side." Sydney said frowning and pointing towards me.

"We're just friends, Syd." I said softly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. I looked over to Grayson, who was looking me in the eyes.

He looks hurt. Why does he look hurt? He doesn't like me... right?

He looked back at Sydney. "Yeah, just friends, Syd..."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed the remote, turning The Notebook on. I heard Grayson sigh just as the intro began.

Not far into the movie and Sydney and Ethan already stood up and left to do who knows what.They were probably in my room doing the cutest things. I admired their relationship. They have showed me how a true relationship should look like. I know they haven't been together for that long, but even before that I saw the spark between them. I wanted that.

It was silent until the part where Noah and Allie went on their private little walk at night, right after the double movie date.

"I know I'm not too crazy about this movie, but this is definitely my favorite part." Grayson said breaking the silence.

"The whole movie is my favorite part." I chuckle. "But yeah, this is my ultimate favorite part. The part where they fell in love for the first time." I looked over to him and smiled.

Grayson returned my smile.

It was quiet for a second until I giggled at the part after they both laid on the road scared for their life and when Allie laughed historically.

"Have you ever been in love?" Grayson suddenly asked. "I know we're still young, but you know, I just wondered.'

"I thought I was. I was dating this guy, he changed my life. He made me the happiest girl alive." I sighed. "And yeah, I thought I was in love, but I was wrong. I felt very strong feelings for him, but that's nothing compared to love."

"How do you know what it feels like then?"

"I don't know how it feels like. I can see it."

"In who?"

"Isn't it obvious? Ethan and Sydney." I sighed again.

"They really do love each other. I am so proud of E for finding someone like her. I still want to..."

"You haven't found someone you may like?"

"Well, I have, but she doesn't like be back. She likes someone else."

"How do you know?"

"I heard her talk about it to a friend."

I shouldn't be jealous. He deserves the world for what he's been through. This girl is probably a girl that every guy dreams of being with, I can't help but wonder who this girl is.

"Oh... That sucks I guess."

"Yeah. But anyways, tell me more about this guy you thought you loved."

"I don't really like talking about him..." I said softly and turned away.

"In that case you don't have to. I don't want to push you." He said placing his hand on my shoulder gently.

"No. It's about time I tell you."


Published 26 September 2017

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