Chapter 32 // Final Chapter

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(2017 update please read below before chapter)
I started writing this at the start of Year 9 I have now graduated from high school and I'm going to try my hardest to finish this for you all but please know when I started this I was not good at forming stories together so if the ending is bad I'm sorry it's how I planned it all that time ago!

Katelyn's P.O.V

Today is the day that I go to the ball! I'm so excited for this! I finally get to experience a whole new world and see what it's like to live a lavish lifestyle.

The notes I've been receiving are just a mere thought in the back of my mind at this moment because the excitement has ate away at rational thoughts.

Jake enters the room and smiles at my appearance "You look... beautiful."

Blushing softly I walk over to him twiddling my thumbs, I stand in front of him before softy hugging him.

He hugs me back with the same amount of gentleness "Sweetie are you okay?"

"I just wanted to express how greatful I am for everything you've done for me" I burry my head in his chest, inhaling that soothing smell I had gotten so used to.

"You've made me feel so safe these past months and I can not thank you enough" I smile up at him as he looks down at me with clear love in his eyes.

With a peck to the cheek he says "Common lets go down and show everyone just how truly beautiful you are."

Together Jake and I walk down the stairs towards the main hall that holds the ball. The excitement was bubbling up inside of me and I didn't know how much longer I could hold it in. Together we walk through the doors and are immediately greeted by the wonderful view of the ball.

Woman with wonderful gowns cover the dance floor as men in tailored suits twirl them by the tips of their fingers. A chandelier hangs from the centre of the roof, lighting every corner of the room giving it a wonderful sparkle.

Looking over to Jake I can see him also taking in the breath taking view before he looks at me and does a mocking bow, causing a small giggle to leave my mouth.

"M'lady would you kindly take my hand for a dance?"

Giving a curtsy a large smile comes to my face " 'Tis would be but an honour."


We had been dancing for a while now and my feet ached in the most wonderful way but it was time for dinner to be served and I couldn't be more greatful for the little break.

"Katelyn!" Turning around in my seat I see Abbey walking towards our table with a huge smile on her face.

"How has your night been?" She exclaims as she sits down next to me.

"It's been wonderful! I've just danced and danced!" I throw my hands up with a massive grin on my face to show just how truly happy I am in that moment.

"After dinner would you be interested on coming to walk around the gardens with me?"

"Of course Abbey it would be so lovely" our conversation died down after that as large amounts of gourmet food is placed in front of us.

I would be completely stuffed my the end of tonight judging from how appetising everything looked. I was a kid in a candy store at that moment.


Together Abbey and I walked around the garden with looped arms admiring the wonderful looking flowers.

"This garden is so beautiful" Abbey says with a relaxed look.

I nod in agreement as I continue to look over at the vast amount of plants.

"Come let's sit at the fountain" walking over together we sigh as our feet are now relieved of the pressure from tonight. Laughing at each others reactions we take our shoes off to further the great feeling.

"You know I really like you Katelyn" Abbey states.

"I like you too Abbey, your like a sister to me with how great you've treated me" I smile towards her.

"Yeah that's why it's such a shame I have to do this to you" she purses her lips.

"What?" I question with pure confusing.

Next thing I know her hand is gripping my hair tightly and my head is pulled under the fountain water. Pushing with all my might I'm unable to get the hard hold off of my head and I can start to feel the burn in my lungs.

I'm pulled up next to Abbey and I pant trying to get air into my lungs but also from the fear that has taken over.

"You just had to come into the story didn't you?" She mutters angrily before I'm pushed under the water again. I knew this would be the last time I would breath fresh air in.

I thrashed and twisted and even tried screaming but that did nothing but tire me out and make the burning in my chest intensify. My vision would come in and out at this point one minute I'm looking down at the wishing coins at the bottom of the fountain and the next my whole world has gone silent and dark. I was dying and I couldn't do anything but give up when all the strength left my body. My thoughts only revolved around Jake and how sorry I was to him for not fighting stronger for my survival. With that I closed my eyes and faded out into blackness.

It was short lived however when my body was harshly pulled out of the water and pushed onto the ground. The impact of me hitting the floor starts something in my body and I'm lefts coughing up the water that had entered my lungs. Looking around me I see Jake screaming in anger while pulling Abbey away from me.

"How could you?!" He yells.

"What good would it be to kill her?" He yells again.

"I just wanted the money can't you see! I wanted your life! Your will! And the only way to get that was to kill you but then she came into this I knew I was no longer next in line for your money!" She yelled.

Jake stood there quietly "Your the one who's been sending all those notes" he states.

"Yes of course I was! I actually liked her I thought maybe I could scare her off but no you just had to get in the way now look where it landed us!"

Hearing the loud noises coming from the garden people started pouring out of the ballroom to see what was happening. Security came over and asked what the problem was.

"Take her away I never want to see her again she nearly killed the only person I now care for" the guards turn to see me panting on the floor with water covering my body.

"We'll call the authorities and an ambulance to come and take a look at her please stay close as they'll probably want to question you" with that the largest of them all comes and takes Abbey out of Jakes unforgiving hold and walks away with her, screaming to let her go.

Jake walks over to me and bends down, scooping me into his arms as I sob and clench on to him. "Your okay now darling, your okay."

"We'll be okay."

People seeing that there was no reason to stay left the scene and left us to the quiet of the garden, leaving us to hold and comfort each other's troubled hearts.

"I love you" my hoarse voice is heard through the silence.

I'm squeezed a little tighter by the man I love "I love you too."

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