Smiles For You, Tears For Me

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The girl was smiling like any other day,

That's how everyone knew her needless to say,

No one saw the hurt and pain that she went through,

Since she forced a smile like everyone knew,

Laughing was the girl who always was cheerful,

Never did she know her life was meaningful,

Everyone beats her physically,

How they act harms her emotionally,

And her worst place of condition is mentally,

Everyday she put all her depression deep inside,

Though once she was alone she fell apart at her bedside,

She dropped the smile and let it shatter,

Letting the tears flow it did not matter,

The next day she looked at the pieces on the floor,

She put them back together and let her depression hide in her core,

Putting back on the smile she left for the day,

This cycle continued without a say.

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