You Just Play Games

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I don't think I can do this anymore,

For my heart has finally hit the floor.

I need you to understand,

For my heart can not withstand.

You just continue to play with my heart

You just press 'reset' like a game and just go on back to start.

Why is it you are first player?

You can just exit whenever you favor,

I am only at your beg and mercy

I can leave this horror whenever you fancy.

You seem to think this is all just one big joke

Why is it though I'm about to choke?

You just enjoy to play with girls' hearts like games,

and seem to forget about all your promises and claims.

Never do you seem to just put down the controller

Set aside the laughs for the sake of noticing the real her,

Only do you see her 8-bit caricature

never do you see if her 3D self is ever well or sure.

So just stop trying to play these silly old games,

Just love her or I for once and stop picking up more strays.

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