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AkMu - GiVe LoVe

The important thing is the heart
I’m not liking you just for your face
(no no)
Even your sharp words that hate on me
I came to love them, this is my (heart)

If it’s about you, no matter how small it is,I remember it, I’m a maniaNo matter how badly you treat me,you’re like a comic bookLike a romantic comic book,every night I pray like this

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If it’s about you, no matter how small it is,
I remember it, I’m a mania
No matter how badly you treat me,
you’re like a comic book
Like a romantic comic book,
every night I pray like this


22. Always be..


"Sayang.. Jangan lupa makan.. Jaga diri elok².. Ingat tahu.. Saya takkan pernah putus asa.. And remember dear.. My heart just for you.. Always be.. Now and forever.. Ever.. Ever.. Young forever.."

Jihyo menekup mukanya. Adoi la, tak habis² lagi ke mamat ni. Ingatkan dah kena seligi masa party budak sekolah mana tu, otak dia bertambah sihat. Makin menjadi ada la.

"Dah habis dah? " Soal Jihyo disebalik celahan jarinya.

"Dah noona.. Heheh.. Noona.. Kenapa noona tak nak terima boss.. Boss baik tau.. Dia bila time kerja je cam garang sikit.. Tapi hati dia baik.. " Ten menutup helaian kertas yang dipegangnya tadi.

"Apa nama kamu tadi, dear? "

"Ten.. Nama saya Ten, noona.. "

"Ten.. Uhmm.. Kenapa Ten pulak yang datang sini? "

 Kenapa Ten pulak yang datang sini? "

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"Noona.. Rindu boss ya.. Heee.. Boss pergi Taiwan.. Ada urusan dengan geng baru.. "

Geng? Dahi Jihyo berkerut mendengarnya.

"Oii.. Kau kenapa? " Usik Tiffany. Tangannya menyentuh raut dahi Jihyo yang berkerut².

"Nothing.. Bila kau sampai ni? Masuk senyap² macam pencuri.."

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