First I Love You

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Scott- you were sitting at lunch alone when a group of kids that didnt like you came up to you. Sadie, the head girl, told you to be watching your back when Scott wasent around to protect you.

Scott was not there earlier and you were scared. Sadie came up and started beating you up and you just took it knowing you couldnt fight back.

"HEY!Back off of her." Scott said as she hit your head into the ground and you got a big cut on your arm. The kids ran and it was just you two.

"You ok honey?" Scott asked. You nodded and he carried you to his bike. He got on and you sat down painfully.

"Im taking you to the hospital to get stitched up." Scott told you.

"No! Your mom is home. Let her do it. I know she has a kit for it there." You told him. He nodded and drove to his house.

Melissa finished you up and you laid in Scotts bed as the medicine started to kick in.

"Here." Scott said taking some of the pain away. Right before you fell asleep, you squeezed his hand.

"Scott?" You said to him.

"Yes?" He replied.

"I love you." You smiled. he had the biggest smile possible.

"I love you too." He laid down and you both fell asleep.

Stiles- you were helping the sherrif on some case and you were freezing in the jeep. Stiles got in the back seat and so did you.

"you know (y/n). I really love you." Stiles said.

"You know Stiles, I really love you too." You reply making him smile. He puts his arm around you as his dad gets in the front seat and drives away.

Derek- you went into Dereks loft and he had the table set up with your favorite dinner.

"My lady." Derek says as he takes the seat out and pushes you in once you sit. You both eat the amazing food and go to the couch to watch a movie.

"Derek..i love you. You do amaxing things for me all the time and I really appreciate it." You tell him.

"You're welcome. And by the way, I love you more."

I ran out of ideas and if I come up woth one more ill do Issacs. Im sorry. Give me ideas people!!!!!! I love you guys!

Sorry they are short

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