You get the bite

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Scott- you ran up to your bedroom holding your side. You go into your bathroom and lift your shirt up.

"(Y/n)? You ok?" You hear Scott ask. You nod as you feel and see it healing.

"Looks like you have a new werewolf to train." You say kissing him. You two then go to your bed to sleep peacefully

Stiles- you were walking home when a wolf bit you. You thought you were going to heal, well that was two days ago and now you feel worse than ever.

"(Y/n)? Stiles is here!" You hear your mom say. You felt bad instantly knowing what was going to happen. She just thought you had a bad cold.

"(Y/n)? God it's worse than I thought." Stiles said tearing up. "I can get Scott to come and take the pain." He finished. You shook your head only wanting Stiles.

"Come here." You barely managed to get out. You were so close to dying and you hated it. He came over to your bed and sat cross legged at your head and put your head in his lap playing with your hair. He was crying his eyes out and you reached up to touch his face. Your fingers brushed over his lips.

"Deep in the meadow, under the willow, a bed of grass.." You cough a little and take a big breath "a soft green pillow." You poked his cheek and wanted him to finish. He understood and kept it going.

"Lay down your head and close your eyes, and when again they open..the sun will rise." You were struggling to breath and Stiles couldn't continue he was crying so hard.

"Stiles," you can barely talk now it only comes out as a whisper, "you were my first love, I will always love you. Please carry on but never forget me." You tell him right as you take your last breath sending him over the edge bawling his eyes out making your mom come up the stairs.

Derek- you got the bite from Derek when he was still the Alpha, he felt bad instantly because of the pain he put you through but now you two can be together forever safe in each other's arms.

Issac- you and Issac finally stopped arguing. You wanted the bite and he didn't want you to have it. Derek told you he would do it, since Issac isn't an alpha and you were so excited.

"Derek? We are here!" You yell out. He comes down his ladder and leans against the table. You walk over and take your over shirt off and now you are in a tank top.

"Lay on the bed with your head in his lap." Derek tells you. You do so and he comes over. He lifts your shirt up just stopping at the base if you chest.

"This is going to hurt like going through Hell and back." Derek states. You nod.

"Isaac grab her hands so she can squeeze them." He does and you breathe deeply.

"Can you give me a countdown?" You ask Derek. He nods and you close your eyes. Isaac says the countdown.

"1..." Derek bites you and you scream squeezing Isaacs hands.

"You bastard that wasn't a countdown you say to him once the pain becomes bareable.

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