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Sorry this isn't another chapter another coming really soon. I just have to get this out.


That was my scream. My "dad" is being a complete jerk. He has not been in my life forever and for certain reasons I had to move in with him but my mom lives here too. I know it's sounds weird I mean hey you are probably wondering "why are they living together if they are divorced?" I don't know. Anyway he is trying to act like a dad but doesn't spend time with me and it makes me mad he thinks it's ok to just freakig ditch his daughter like that. Ugh!!!!!!!! It just kills me. I wanted to spend time with him today but he left without telling me while I was with some friends and come home to an empty house. I had to go home with them not that they minded.

I'm sorry. I just had to get that out. Inbox me if you want to know more not that anyone read this anyway but whatever, chapter coming soon I promise. Bye!!

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