Whoa, Jason!

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After the seven defeated Gaea, they went back home to Camp Half-Blood for a couple of weeks. So one night, the Stolls threw an epic party at camp, and they snuck in beer. A few hours passed and people were falling asleep in the forest, where the party was being held.

By 4 in the morning, everyone was asleep. Percy and Leo were the first to wake up and they found Jason drunk and asleep upside down on a tree branch. They thought it would be funny to take advantage of this opportunity and draw on his face. When everyone woke up, all it took was one glance at Jason to burst out laughing. Jason finally woke up after an hour or so and saw everyone laughing when he got to the dining pavilion, and Piper blushing a deep red. Jason immediately sensed something on his face and ran to his cabin to look in the mirror. He found that someone had written "I HAD SEX WITH PIPER MCLEAN!" on his forehead and drawn lipstick marks all over his face. He decided to get back at Percy and Leo for this.

Suffice it to say, Percy and Leo didn't dare come out of their cabins for a week or mess with Jason for a long, long time (although no one said anything about the Stolls pranking Jason).

~Oh my gods, I'm so sorry and I know this is horribly crappy, but it's the only thing I could come up with right now. I have absolutely no inspiration because I have tests tomorrow and Wednesday and I really need to study. Enough of my ranting, haha. Have fun and live a happy demigod life! -Anna

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