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Dedicated to @molroxx


Piper's POV


'Why did Jason have to cheat on me? And with my sister, no less? Enough of this, Piper. Stop crying over him. There's a reason why the Fates did this, maybe Jason wasn't meant to be your soulmate.' I told myself, as I was crying in the pegasus stables. "Maybe I'll go walk around in the forest, see what I can find." I say to no one in particular.

"Hey, Beauty Queen! What brings you to my wonderful Bunker Nine? Missed this sexy Bad Boy Supreme?" Leo says with a wink as he puts his arm around my shoulders. Hmm. I never realized I arrived at Bunker Nine.

"Hey, Repair Boy. I need your help. I wanna get my mind off of Jason, since he, you know, cheated on me with my sister Michelle." I explained to the gorgeous curly haired boy. Gorgeous? What's going on, Piper? Ugh, just forget it.

"Hey, how about we go to the beach? C'mon, Beauty Queen, lets go before it's almost dinnertime!" He said enthusiastically.

"Allons-y!" I said as I grabbed his hand and guided, well more like dragged, him to the beach. (A/N Doctor Who reference xD)

After we spent countless hours together just talking, swimming, and, well, flirting, it was time to go back to our cabins because curfew was nearing, and we didn't want to be found by harpies and then have kitchen duty as a punishment.

"Hey, Pipes, I really enjoyed spending all afternoon here with you," Leo told me, "We should really do this again, shouldn't we?"

"Of course, Leo! Just ask and I'll be here, waiting to be with you again." I said, not really knowing if I should tell him what I really wanted to say.

"Pipes, before we go, there's something I've been meaning yo tell you. I could make this all mushy and sweet, but that's not really me. What's in my heart is really straight forward, and you need to know. I've had a crush on you ever since I met you, and as time passed, my affection for you kept growing. Spending time with you this afternoon helped me realized that I'm in love with you, Piper McLean. I understand if you don't feel the same way, I just needed you to know. I should probably be going now..." he confessed looking proud but embarrassed at the same time.

"Oh, Leo! I had no idea you felt that what about me! And, I have to tell you something too. The whole time I was with Jason, I was in love. I thought I loved Jason, but it turns out it was you I loved. You. Can you believe it?"

Leo looked astonished, to say the least. I guess he wasn't expecting that kind of answer from me. I looked down at my feet, thinking that the reason he wouldn't answer is because he was just kidding and I had actually told him the truth. I'm pretty sure I turned red, and I was debating whether or not to leave back to Cabin 10. Suddenly, I feel fingers slip under my chin, lifting it up. I avert my gaze to Leo's face and I press my lips to his, capturing them in a soft embrace. I poured all my feelings into this kiss, telling him what words couldn't describe about how I felt about him. I tangled my fingers in his curly hair, not wanting to ever let go of him.

After a few long and amazing minuted of making out, we separated, but kept our foreheads pressed together. We were just staring into each other's eyes, enjoying the silence. Finally, Leo spoke up.

"Piper, my Beauty Queen, will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?"



Ahh!! I thought that was pretty awesome, what about you guys?

Anyways, I finally updated!! Wow, right? Sorry for the long wait. I actually was going to post this chapter about a week ago, but I kept putting it off because I wanted to finish watching Doctor Who.


Should I do one of those 'Facts about me' things? if yes, how many facts?

I will probably update this⬆in about a day or so. That is, if you guys want me to. :)

Can you tell me how I do in my stories? I want both negative and positive feedback! :D

Well, that's all for now, folks! Adios, my shippety ship shippers! I ❤ you guys!!

Remember to comment, vote, and follow!!

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