If you where Lyra's best friend...

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- You would have to calm her down after a fight
- Make sure that her marks listen to her
- If her marks don't listen to her, beat them up or give them a long talk about how "sensitive" Lyra is. Making them feel bad, so they listen
- Sometimes she makes you have your own mark when your extremely uncomfortable with the whole situation
- Being very overprotective when she falls for Winn
- Giving Winn the overprotective best friend talk, every time you see him
- Eventually seeing Winn is a good guy, but still being overprotective since you and Lyra had been friends forever
- You keep finding marks and stealing simple things, then falling for a *man or woman*, which was supposed to be a normal mark, like Lyra
- Thankful because Lyra was the one who chose the mark you fell in love with
- Always being happy now that you have a *bf or gf*

[Ik this isn't what I normally write but I had some fun with it 😅]

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