Winn Schott X Reader - Part 2 - Story 1

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Imagine : You and Winn have now been dating for three and a half years, and he's all nervous because he wants to ask you an important question...

Note : I was fan girling the whole time while writing this and there is 100% going to be a third part having to do with the wedding- hm...hope you don't mind the slightest bit of smut, not a lot, just a tad.


"Winn you should really just ask her." Kara said as her and her best friend walked into the Department of Extranormal Operations.
"Kara, it's not as easy as it sounds..." Winn protested while following her.
"Really? Sounds like all you need to do is get on one knee, open a box, and give her the ring after she says yes." She shrugged while Winn sat down at his little desk area an computer.
"That's not all! I would have to find the perfect place- wait..I did that...but then I would have to pick the perfect time-!" Winn was cut off
"Time? What about now?" Kara asked
"Ok. Winslow. Schott. Jr. If you don't propose to Y/N, I'll tell her where you're keeping the ring." Kara said smirking along with crossing her arms
"Ugh." Winn growled while typing
"Great! Can't wait to congratulate you both tomorrow morning!" Kara said excitedly
"Wait! What?! Tomorrow?! Kara-!" Winn started to shout, but then Kara was gone. Most likely SuperGirl had to be somewhere.
"Ok, No. No. No. no..." You said while looking at some dress choices Tori was looking at for an awards ceremony. The only reason you where helping her was because, how can I put this in a nice way, your best friend has terrible fashion sense.
"Aw, but I kinda like this one-"
"Fine, jeez, don't arrest me fashion police." Victoria joked while looking at you
"I'm just trying to help. And I'm really sorry I won't be able to make it to the ceremony..." You say while holding a dress up to her figure.
"It's really fine Y/N, I'll see you tomorrow though, right?" Tori asked you with hopeful eyes
"Most likely, if something comes up I'll be sure and call." You reply and look at the clock on the wall "I'm heading out, me and Winn are having a night in."
"Ooooooo-" Tori started to tease
"Calm down, we're just going to watch some old movies and shows-" You said with a smile and picking up your purse "-probably." After that comment you left your friends apartment.
So far the night has gone perfectly. After twenty minutes of an adorable couples argument you finally both agreed to watch 'Peter Pan'. After you watched a couple of more classic Disney movies, Winn wrapped an arm around you.
"I love you..." He said with a soft and loving smile.
"Aw, I love you too.." You reply with your famous smile that pretty much everyone knew about. Y/N Y/L/N, the princess with the perfect smile.
"Y/N, I've loved you since high school. I was to nervous ever to say anything because you just seemed like the most perfect girl in the world- which I still know you are! B-But i, I think I love you to much and...don't think I want don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore..."
"Wait, What?! Your breaking up with me?!" You exclaim, tears already pricking your eyes. Winn was the love of your life and you thought he loved you back! Where the hell was this coming from?!?!
"No! No no no! Y/N let me finish!" Winn said with fear heard in his tone he quickly took out a small box and opened it to reveal a silver ring with an emerald "I-I want you to be my wife!"
You gasped, putting your hands over your mouth in complete shock. Well not completely complete since you've been waiting for him to propose for almost an entire year now.
"What?! Really?! Wait, what?!" You couldn't believe that the most perfect man in the whole world was asking YOU to marry him! Winn nodded quickly, you where really going to murder him if this all turned out to be a prank. There was no doubt about that. In the end, it turned out to be no prank. The next day you announced the news to everyone. No one was very surprised that Winn cracked after all this time.


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