why am i here?

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When blue had woken up it ad been a while later. He didn't know how long so he couldn't really say. His worst fear came into light when he realized where he was. Stuck.....Alone....In this Never ending White Hell.  He tried running..... searching for something..... Anything! Searching for a speck of color or an exit! Some where with color's! Somewhere with out strings, or puppets, or all white! After awhile he fell to the floor(?) exhausted and gasping for breath. He held his skull tight making small scratches in his skull. As he clenched his skull a sob erupted from him. His sobbing, then turning into crying, which turned into screaming and crying. He couldn't be here!!! NOT again! But did he ever leave? He couldn't remember.... He couldn't remember anything from the last few days. But he remembered dust so he had to had escaped before. So why was he back? Why was he here? Why was he being tortured?!? It wasn't fair! It was so useless to hope..... 'It's okay blue please don't be sad. you've got us.' a small voice said. he whipped his head around looking for the source of 'the' voice. "W-w-WhO SaId ThAt?" his voice glitching and lacing itself with fear. He fear that it was THEM. ' Oh come on blue, don't tell us you've forgotten us.'  He couldn't believe it. What did they want from him? why did they enjoy worsening his torture? "P-p-PlEaSe....JuSt G-gO A-A-A-aWaY..." it was silent for a moment. he could tell they were taken aback by what he said..... 'no'



sorry for the short chapter but i hope you liked it. also sorry for not updating so much.....i haven't really had time to figure out between homework and school.... but i hope you like it and that was worth the wait

error berry(non ship still,new)Where stories live. Discover now