engulfed (updated)

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Author p.o.v~

Had it been months? Years? Berry didn't know anymore.... It might've been an hour out there but time was meaningless in the antivoid and it made it seem like an eternity. He hadn't known why they left him here anymore. He hadn't known anything. It was all a blur. He couldn't remember anything in his past. He didn't even know what a past was. All he knew was this white and his name. Did he have friends? What are friends? Can you touch them? can you eat them? Can you kill them? Had some one loved him or L.O.V.E.D him? He heard foot steps? But who...

Dust's p.o.v~

Ink had an announcement to make an none of us were sure of what it was. We were all anxious to find blue since he was taken 3 months ago....Where could he be? "Alright everybody listen up! I've found a way to get to blue but I need help." ink said. I stared in shock s mine and us!papyrus's hands shot up at the same time. Dream shook out of it and raised his hand. That was everybody in the meeting so I guess we were all going. "Well what are we waiting for let's go get him!" I yelled at them. "Well we need a plan,"


Time skip~


We had a full proof plan! When ink had opened the portal the whole void was....white? This could drive anyone mad...OH MY GOD, BLUE! I ran up behind and he seemed to hear me. He snapped back and blocked his head fearfully, but he looked glitched? I tried to hug him but he screamed and pushed me. He scooted back in fear? "W-w-Wh0 Th3 H3lL A-aR3 yOu?!?" He screamed at me unblocking his face and pushed himself up trying not to fall backwards. "Blue? What happened to you?" he seemed to scoot back further when the others had reached us and stood beside me. "H-h3H s-S-sE3m'S H-hE dId S3Nd y0u to KiLl M-m3, F1nAlLy." He watched us expectantly with error's and glitches dancing across his body. I fell on my knee's and looked at him sorrowfully. What had they done to him? "W-w3Ll G0 o-0N!-!! F1NIsH-h M-m3!" Tears had started to fall as I stood up. I opened my arms and moved towards him. He started to shuffle away in fear, but i stopped when i noticed the red soul in his hands. It was.... chara's soul. The soul of determination. "Blue why do you have that soul?" my eye sockets were black. He seemed to shift the soul away from me and scoot further back from fear, "Y0-oU c-CaN'T H-hAv3 I-1t. T-tH1s I-is M-my W-worlds H-huMAn!" He started to get angry while blue tears slid down onto his cheeks. "I-it's A-a-AlL 1 HaV3 L3fT!" The tear's were..... unsettling to say the least. They had seemed to stain his cheeks....like error's. He seemed on the verge of passing out and his grip on the soul was getting tighter. When we heard the sound of a soul shattering we had all looked to blueberry to see he had strings connected to him and the breaking soul. We were confused we didn't know what to do. He had stared at his hand wide eye-socketed. "W-w-WhY.....?-?"his hand started to shake and then his whole body too. We didn't know what to do it was all happening to quickly for us..... He had passed out shaking uncontrollably on what I presumed to be the ground. I tried to run to him but Ink had held me back. I ripped my arm from him and ran to my blue bear's side examining him. Searching for anything I could do to help. He had seemed to stop shaking, but he had black goo pouring out of his sockets and encasing him and even his clothes. I shuffled back afraid that i'd be caught by it if I was to close. I watched as the love of my life's bones turned black with blue tears, His clothes turning a darker shade if not a completely different color, and more error and glitches dancing around him. His eye sockets were covered with error's and a rebooting appeared above him. Something was wrong..... WHY DID IT SAY BLUEBERRY FILE.EXE CORRUPTED.........FILE.EXE ERASED......ERRORBERRY FILE.EXE REBOOTING..... "What's happening to him?!?!" Ink opened a portal saying, "It's too late now. we must leave." US!pap had to drag me away with all of his strength. I tried kicking, screaming, and even crying but he wouldn't let go. Right before the portal closed i saw him sit up confused... I'm so sorry.

Blue's p.o.v~

I-1t h-Hur-Rt s-S0 m-M-m-much........W-whY d0es..... i-1t h-Hurt........1t's.... s0 co-O-o-o-old........ I feel........ like...1'm b.....3in-Ng......ENGULFED....



art is not mine, but i'll illustrate this a little later and for now just imagine a error blueberry version and i'll draw and post the picture of how he'd look later.

art is not mine, but i'll illustrate this a little later and for now just imagine a error blueberry version and i'll draw and post the picture of how he'd look later

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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