Ninjago College

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Jay, Kai, and Mira hike over the Ninjago College's grounds, with Jay holding Kade.

"Surprising none of us have er gone here or any relatives have," Mira thinks out loud.

"Well, I heard Kade's parents died from his antics, then I'm sure they had him when they were drunk in high school," Jay replies.

"Well, all of my relatives fought evil," Kai says.

"And my adoptive parents never did college for... well... I think it was bowling, but it might have been collecting Garfield merchandise, then I have my actor dad, and my mom and everyone else were fighters," Jay explains.

"And what about you?" Kai asks Mira.

"Well, my parents were evil, related to Clouse, my dad had that mustache, but at the moment, they're in a portal through planes," Mira explains.

"What?" Kade, Jay, and Kai asks.

"Kinda complicated. They were trying to resurrect Amelia Earhart," Mira states.

Jay and Kai look at each other.

"Anyway, I looked it up, and apparently, Emily is in the west part, building 12, room 435," Kai lays out the information.

"The internet is amazing!" Jay exclaims.

"Hmmp," Kai snorts.

"Wait, aren't we walking east right now?" Mira asks.

Jay looks at his compass. "Yeah..."

They all turn around.


"We... (pant), we... made it. (wheeze) Wow is this place big," Jay huffs as he takes the last step up the long staircase.

"Geez, I heard she has 5 minutes to get to the math class, which is on the east side of this place," Kai wheezes.

"Wow," is all Mira is able to say.

The 4 move along until they get to 435. Kai knocks. Emily opens.

"Hey guys! Wow, it's been so long, how's Lloyd?" Emily asks.

"Didn't you see him last week?" Mira asks.

"Oh... yeah... so, what do you guys need?" Emily asks.

"Well, you see..." Jay starts explaining.


"I'm in!" Emily exclaims.

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