Darlak Tool Shop

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The ninja have just rejoined at the temple, and have been told about Lloyd's sister. Misako says that she now goes by the last name of Darlak, and find a Tool Shop owned by a man named Mr. Darlak. The ninja arrive there.

"Darlak Tool Shop," Nya says. "Without this place, the Destiny's Bounty wouldn't fly."

"Okay. Jay, you and I will go in and find Lloyd's sister," Cole says.

"Why me?" Jay asks.

"Because we're the best at problem solving, so you'll do good in finding her. Me? Because I'm the leader." Cole puffs out his chest.

"Good luck," Nya kisses Jay. Cole and Jay walk in.

They see a room marked employees only. They walk in. Suddenly, they are chained up by their arms in a room with a skeleton by their side. Jay spots an air vent.

"Too easy," Jay says. He picks up one of the skeletons bones with his feet, and tosses it up to his arms. He unchains his arms. He then unchains Cole.

"See?" Cole says, soothing his wrists. "I told you!"

"Okay, okay," Jay says. They crawl through an air vent an start falling.

"A botomless pit trap," Cole says.

"Easy. Hold on to my arms, and put your legs out so we'll stop. They do so, and see a small door. They go through it and arrive in a tall room lined with small doors with giant key locks. They see a pile of small keys on the ground.

"Hmmm," Jay thinks out loud. Then he gets it. He starts putting the keys in key locks but starts climbing up the keys. He puts in the last key in the ceiling and it fits. He opens it.

"Brilliant!" Cole says.

Cole and Jay crawl through an air vent, and arrive in a small workshop. It reminds Jay of the one in Dr. Julien's lighthouse, where they saw Echo.

There's a girl standing there. She has blond wavy hair, and is wearing a blue long sleeved shirt. She also has jeans.

"Oh no! See, this--" the girls spins around but stops. "Jay!"

"Amy?!" Jay asks. The two hug.

"What the heck is going on here?" Cole asks.

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