13 Years Ago...

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"What the heck is going on here?" Cole asks.

"Me and Amy were best friends in kindergarten!" Jay says.

"What?" Cole repeats.

"Well, you see, Jay used to be a shy kid in school. He didn't talk much," Amy says.

"Surprising," Cole replies.

"I always used to play 'Jay Bolt'," Jay continues. "I was a time-traveling pirate."

"But one day, while swinging on the swings, a bully pushed him off. His name was Will," Amy says.

"It was TERRIBLE. I had to get 7 stitches," Jay continues.

"So the day after that I asked Will why he did that. I stood up for Jay."

"And when I returned, she talked to me and became my friend. She helped me open up to people."

"I became 'The Amazing Amy', time traveling witch, partner of Jay Bolt."


"We were best friends."

"I still have that gift you gave me for my birthday!" Amy says. She pulls open one of her desk drawers, and pulls out a little dog with a beret.

"You still have that?" Jay asks, stunned.

"Of course! You still have that Mr. Cuddly Wop I gave you?"

"Well, I do have him, but he's a bit shredded, because SOMEONE cut him up."

"I'm sorry!" Cole says. "But anyway, we'd better get going. I think the others are waiting."

"Yeah, let's go," Jay says.

"So why'd you come here anyway?" Amy asks.

"Well, let's start with the fact that..." Jay starts.

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