Author's Note

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Hiya, random stranger! That fact you have found this page is a miracle. In these humble electronic pages, you will find the inside of my mind. (PS Its a trainwreck...but let's be honest...most are)

Have you ever daydreamed of a whole new world? I know I have. Personally, I love that books can take me anywhere, fiction or non-fiction, in my own little world even if I never move from my couch.

 In the next few "chapters" will be the ideas I have created, embellished, and love. Feel free to vote or comment (if you exist) on which story you would love to read. Each chapter will be filled with a summary and excerpt from the story.

I have been meaning to do this for a long time. I've been too scared to actually put words on a page. This is dedicated to my friends who have helped me along the way. Thanks for listening and laughing! These books needed to see the light, they deserve that. 

If you want a better idea of me to check out my bio and most importantly, my reading list. 'Cause let's be honest, you can judge a reader by their books. 

Remember: do not enter this book with expectations or with a plan in mind. Let your mind become creative and imaginative. Please, don't copy my work.

Imagine. Believe. Inspire

Love All; 


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