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A/N: Hey, everyone. It's me again. This post is an oldie. 'Waterpath' is one of the first ideas I have ever explored. 'Radio Girl,' which I will post soon, (we shall see when) was the first ever. Of course, I have done major remodeling to have what you read today. My first 'draft' for 'Waterpath' was barely a page and now it covers about nine. Pretty good considering my standards! I love this story because of the semi-hidden lore and symbolism. For those like me, I often put in symbolism everywhere for you to find, like easter eggs. Let me know your theories! 

In each of my stories, those that I have posted and those not yet, they build into something exciting, a thrilling adventure. Just stick around and I'll be posting those soon. Oh, click the star to tell me which stories you want to hear more of or you can also comment. :) I am very happy to finally let these stories shine because stories should be told. Thanks to my friend that finally told me to post. Thanks for reading and going on the adventure with me. Sorry, for the long author's note. :/

Stories deserve to be told, and like always, post yours. Inspire and Imagine! :)

Oh! Lastly, I swear...If anyone out there as some good book recommendations, I would love to read them. Also, check out my profile for any good reads, as well.

NOW, for real, drumrooollllll, please! Let's go to the chapter! 

🍓 Fruitgurl 🍉


First: A New World, A New Life


A sharp, stinging, sensation all over my body, a slap. Starting from below and vibrating, shaking, its way up to the top of me. A dizzying difference from what was before. A familiar unknown.

What was that?

The next thing is I hear is a frightening sound that creates an inner shock that rings through. I feel sticky and contained by a moving liquid. It surrounds me similarly to the stimulating slap. I see blue. I see a line rising and it starts to strangle me. I feel it wrap around me and control me. It pulls me.

Pulls me where?

Down. It pulls me down. It pulls me farther into the blue. A darker blue. The world of sight shrinks. An outline of black forms. Something jolts. The line recedes. Then comes back. I will the jolting to happen again. It comes from below the blue. The line recedes again.

Kick. Is that what this is?

I kick and kick. The blue line disappears more. It stops strangling me and I continue to jolt and pop. Kicking below me, I learn the motion quickly. To move. To leave. To find. I pop and kick my way up to the surface. I bob my head and see blue. A different blue, a lighter blue. A brighter shade of blue contrast the darker blue closer to me. Where the two meet is a large line. No, a box of lines.

Why does it hurt?

Looking at the box hurt. The darkness came back and then opened up more to see the beyond. I kicked so I was eye-level to the darker blue and continued to move across the blue. Closer and closer the white box. It gets larger and larger the faster I kick. Soon, I am at the box. I climb up onto it and watch small, imperfect dots form on the white plate. It squeaks when I move forward.

The Never-Ending Notebook: Book of BooksWhere stories live. Discover now