Spoken In Silence: Midnight Masks

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A/N: I am so sorry I haven't been posting according to my usual two-ish-week not-schedule.  Now actually writing it...not too uniform. Sorry. Right now, is finals week and I have been studying for the last two weeks. Sooooo...I was late. I hope all that are studying will do well and be able not to be too stressed.... :/ Anyways, Summer is coming up and I will try to post more often but, I am also doing a lot of things then too. So, for all of you guys...Thanks for sticking with me since and now, maybe in the future, as well. Since I was late,( and Spoken in Silence is purposely short) I did two chapters! If you need a refresher you can go back to the first chapter. 

But here is a personal fruitgurl summary: 

There is a girl named Mei who lives in a fancy-smancy society and is paralyzed. She never does much but sits and becomes a 'doll.' There's a whole weird metaphor with mirrors and toys. It starts at her Aunt Bai's party who Mei lives with because her parents mysteriously died leaving her well...paralyzed. We all want to say good Bai to Aunt Bai and Mei is an emotionally detached robot. Oh,  and she's really pretty too. 

And that's about it for the first chapter. Try and read that how Barney explained to Quinn the basic happenings of HIMYM in thirty-seconds. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next. As always, share if you feel like it, vote cause it can be fun, and comment if you want to tell me something. Or not. 

Ok. I'll stop the sarcasm and be serious. I appreciate all of those that have read these little chapters. I don't care if one person reads it or twelve. This is something that stops me from being a psychotic maniac. 

Seriously. If I never wrote these down I would become a muttering psychopath.

But, if this also makes someone happy, I am happy too. I believe the most important thing is being happy. If someone is happy because of what I made, even a tiny little inner grin, it makes me exponentially, unable to ever explain, happy. So, when I say thank you for reading...I truly mean it. For anyone that ever appreciates my writing or anyone's writing, I wish them the best the world can offer. So, truly, if you got something to say, say it. (Don't hurt someone else feeling though...remember humanity? IDK) 

So, truly. 

Inspire. Imagine. Live. Laugh. 


PS. Boy, is this a long Author's Note. JEEZ! This might be half of the chapter! SORRY. ONTO THE STORY


2: Midnight Masks

The blinking black numbers on the opposite wall spitted the numbers: twenty-two, twenty-nine. 10:29

Ever since Mei arrived at the age of fourteen the parties ended at 11:00. By then all the faux shawls and equally false personalities would drift past the grandiose doors and out into the raven-winged night.

Thirty-one minutes. Thirty-one.

Till then, the porcelain girl would perfectly perch in a position of a princess. Her long legs seem longer due to the 45° angle and the lilac fabric of her koi-fish cut cheongsam flowing like the zen garden in the back personal gardens of Aunt Bai's estate. Her face powdered and lips softly pigmented distract from her glazed eyes as she seems to gaze at the guests.

She quietly posed as her Guardian socialized to family to family casually bragging about her perfect daughter, loud enough so other families could her but softly retaining social mannerisms. Her male counterpart seen smoking a cigar with other heads of their families on the terrace bathed in moonlight.

The girl would smile and nod to high-tier families who respectfully greeted her as they left, her untouched steaming per-uh tea that sat to her left.

The Ulakeys left at 10:32 followed by the Matthew-Laurents, in embroidered corsets and laces, at 10:35. With far more expensive dirndls and accent vests, the Kaiser's left at 10:42 with the Hastings who wore a modern evolution of plaid corsets in billowing hoop skirts and kilts. The Zhang, Fujiokas and Tashinagas, left at 10:44 in Hanboks and Yukatas. The vociferous Santiagos in ruffles and heels sauntered out of the hall at 10:58, two minutes before the party would officially be deemed finished.

The girl would be placed onto an elegant lounge in which the butlers would carry her into her room and down on her four-poster bed. There the girl would be surrounded by bustling maids to remove of her Cheongsam and modernized with a hint of tradition crown. She would be placed under her silk embroidered sheets to stay for the night.

Or so it was assumed.

Mei glanced up at the blinking clock, 11:57. Mei resumed her stiff position in her bed. She focused on her left leg. The leg was stiff as the metal in her arms but, a humming resounded inside. Staring with her toes, she attempted to curl and wiggles. She shifted her knee a little up, then back to neutral. She gently revolved her whole left leg before repeating the same process on her right.

Her forever stiff arms laid parallel beside her torso. She shifted her legs against the sheets to face the edge of her bed. Raising a disagreeing arm she slowly raised a bed sheet, her legs landed on the floor. Shimming her body she pushed to become sitting with her legs on the floor.

Almost there.

With a final sting, she raised the rest of her body onto her legs. Stumbling a little she grabbed her bedpost. She flexed and rotated her legs till they were more stable.

Over the last few years, Mei has slowly regained control over her body. Starting with her toes on her fifteenth birthday, leading to knees, and hips. When she finally used her legs as a whole she was seventeen. Now, at eighteen, eleven years after the accident, she could walk, run.

She relished her weekly nights when she would run across the grounds, soundlessly flying, stretching her wings against the raven sky.

Tonight, Mei would stretch her wings and free herself out of the cage.

Not knowing quite where she was going she crept out of her room and into a nearby passageway that led her to the jewel stars and the crushed velvet clouds.

Mei looked up at the outlined clouds, inhaled, stretched, exhale, escaped. She ran through the groomed trees and the exotic flowers. Sprinted past the zen garden and koi-fish ponds. Farther and farther away from the gilded cage.

With only the stars for company, winking and blinking, she ran. Feeling the blades of grass under her feet and the sweet smell of sharp wind, the occasional bird twittering in an elm as she ran by.

Out here, Mei was no longer a doll upon a shelf. No longer a toy for her Aunt. No longer a vase of flowers for the wealthy to peruse. She was a bird with wings no longer broken. She could soar and explore places she wouldn't have ever seen in the Lang Estate.

Mei traversed through trees and found a hidden treasure. A little shelter in a large oak. The little house sprayed through the tree as the branches wandered through its walls.

The corners of Mei's mouth lifted until she stretched the most important muscle. It was no dainty smile she would give to satisfy her Aunt but one that reminded her of years ago. She didn't try to suppress it as a wave of warmth spread through her. With her first grin of the night, she dashed to the tree. Aching to climb the limbs she stopped, and knew,

I will come back another night.

Instead, she lounged in the embrace of nature's own feeling the life surround her.

Mei, influenced by nature and nostalgia, she opened up her lips...


And sung, harmonizing with the birds and the natural symphony of the night.



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