Carnival Summers: Chapter 2

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A/N: Hi, again. This is Carnival Summers, one of the most fun for me to write. I hope you guys liked it and enjoying your life. I don't have much to say other than wishing everyone the best. Enjoy. 


Chapter 2


"Alright then, here ya go, little missus! Remember to have a fun time and be safe!" Richard, the head manager of Sweet Lake Fun Zone Fairgrounds, bid me goodbye as he left me in the presence of the looming rollercoaster.

Totally-Rad-Richie, as he liked to be called, was an oddity amongst the other volunteers. His appearance never included a frown or a grimace-even when a young child viciously stabbed him with a lollipop the other day.

The fair was still sleepy when I arrived at my post. The neon boards looked dreary next to dusty walls and quiet atmosphere. This morning was cloudier than usual with overcast skies that would most definitely clear out by the early afternoon, to my usual discomfort. 

I tightened my bubbly volunteer jacket around my chest, feeling the light strain against my shoulders. With an exhale I watch a light shadow drift out of my nose. The cold, metal, bars enclosing the ride supported my lower back as I looked up. Long rails crisscrossing over one another in a dangerous, skeletal fashion creating a stew of anxiety and adrenaline in my gut.

"IT'S ALMOST TIME GUYS! EVERYBODY READY FOR INSPECTION SO WE ARE OPEN IN TEN!" Cathy shouts with her purple striped megaphone. From the adjacent ride of Time Warp Spin, she waved her left hand and grinned. Cathy, the head volunteer, was one of the oldest juniors at eighteen-going-on-nineteen in September. She was Richie's niece's daughter's son of a cousin's daughter (or something like that.)

"Hiya, Leila! You ready?" Cathy skipped the few yards over. She most certainly inherited Richie's overly-exuberant smile.

"Yes, I am. Well, it's not like I can't be, right, Cathy?" With a snort and a smirk she happily returned a giggle.

"See ya around, Leila! Always over 'ere, got it?" With two thumbs-up and a shining, ever-honest, 'Crest' smile that I know will stay glued to her face throughout the whole day, she readies her equipment belt filled with do-dads. 

"Gotcha. See ya." Her color block jacket, the same one I had since its volunteer protocol (duh), flipped and swayed as she ran back with the wind gamboling in her hair.

Willa and Scott were nowhere to be seen. In fact, I haven't seen them since two days ago when we first met. Well, other than seeing Willa in passing or Scott at a glance. Maybe it wasn't meant to be. But, it was kinda the most fun I have had here.


"Fine, my favorite color is purple," Willa tossed her hair in gesture, "I guess my favorite thing to do is-it's weird ok, try not to laugh- looking for lizards, beetles around the neighborhood. It's fun just to go hiking and find something cool. Oh! Oh! Ok, one time I-I-was turning over a rock, right, and I found a scorpion!! How cool is that?

Don't look at me like that Scott, did you think I was going to say shopping and painting my nails while watching the Titanic, as if! Scott, if that's what you think, boy, you got a lot to learn. Ok, ok, your turn now, Scott. Let's go easy, not something to deep yet, we'll save that for later. Hmm, how about a classic one! Where would you go if you had all the money in the world?"

"Well, this was a good idea, Leila. I would never think that little miss lilac here would be so obsessed with frickin' scorpions! Anyways, I guess I would want to go to a small town in Spain. "

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