Chapter 3: I'm the toughest girl I know.

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After we put all our equipment away and greeting the fans I took a shower and changed into this:   I straightened my hair but decided on no makeup. Ghost said I’m beautiful, so I guess I’m beautiful. 

“Leila? You ready?” the guys yelled. I pushed back the curtain of my bunk and jumped out. The guys were waiting by the door.

“Yes.” I replied following them outside. I’m really hungry. I need a burger.

“There’s a McDonald’s on the next block, want to go there?” Jack asked. Everybody else agreed. Yes!

I walked alongside Ghost behind everyone else. We got there and immediately got stares from everybody in the place. It’s gotten easy to ignore them but the kids. They just don’t stop.

I ordered a cheese burger, a small fry, and a soda.

Once we got all our food we sat down in a booth. Well one booth and a table because all of us don’t fit in one. Guess who sat by me? Yup, Chris. Thank god Ghost was on the other side.

“Ok everyone say their favorite movie. Go!” Balz said.

Everyone named their favorite movie then it got to me. Uhhhhh….

“Beetlejuice.” I said. Angelo, Ryan, Ricky, Balz, and Chris just stared at me.

“What?” I asked.

“We didn’t think you could talk.” Ricky said. I smiled.

“I can talk, I just don’t choose to a lot.” I replied.

“Ok. Favorite food all at the same time. Go!” Peter said.

“Cheese.” I said, but I wasn’t the only one. Chris had said it too. We just looked at each other.

“Drink?” Angelo asked.

“Naked juice.” We both said. Whoa.

“Place.” Lester said.

“Starbucks.” We both said. What.the.fuck.

“Color.” Balz said.

“Black.” We both said. Ok, that was an obvious one.

“Condiment.” Michael said.

“Ketchup.” We both said. Duuuuuuude.

“Hot or cold?” Ryan asked.

“Hot.” We both said.

“This is so weird. Disney character.” Jack said.

“Tinkerbell.” We both said. He likes Tinkerbell?  I couldn’t help it, I busted out laughing.

Chris P.O.V (A/N: I have no idea if Chris likes Tinkerbell or cheese or ketchup, but in my fan fiction, he does.)

“Cheese.” I said, but Leila had said it too. Hmmmm….

“Drink?” Angelo asked.

“Naked juice.” We both said. We were both staring at each other now. Wow, she has really beautiful eyes. She looks even better without makeup.

“Place.” Lester said.

“Starbucks.” We both replied. What.the.fuck.

“Color.” Balz said.

“Black.” We both replied. That was a stupid question.

“Condiment.” Michael said.

“Ketchup.” We both replied. Whoa.

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