Chapter 5: Sorry for soaking your shirt.

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Leila P.O.V

"Leila, I'm so sorry I didn't go with you and-" Lester started. I stopped him and smiled.

"Lester, stop blaming yourself. You are being stupid."  He smiled and hugged me, careful not to hurt me. He wouldn't, I've gotten so used to it by now.

I looked around and the others were looking at me expectantly. I looked down and noticed all I had on was a bra and underwear, making all my scars visible. Hey, I'm not ashamed what so ever.

Lester handed me a pair of black skinny jeans and a Motionless in White hoodie. I smiled at him and grabbed the clothes. I got up off the bed and slipped them on. Everyone was still staring at me.

"Lester, you tell them." I said walking over to Chris. I hugged him tight, silent tears streaming down my face. I couldn't hear what Lester was saying, and I didn't want to either. This was supposed to be my past, yet he had to come back, and bring all the memories back. I actually started changing then he came along and ruined it. I don't know what I did to make him do that to me. We were a great family, just because mom died didn't give him the right to treat me that way. I just don't understand...

"Those bastards!" someone said causing me to look at them. They all looked pissed but Devin looked appalled. Now he knows why I am so quiet. I'm not a bitch, I'm emotionally unstable.

Peter came in the room holding some papers.

"We can leave now." He said. Chris picked me up and carried me to his bus. The rest were silent as they loaded on.

"Ok enough of the sorrow, let's watch a movie." I said.

Whoa, maybe this whole thing hasn't brought me back. Maybe I have changed for good. No going back.

"You're in luck Leila, all of us happen to love Beetlejuice too." Josh said. I smiled at him as he put the DVD in.

"Well I'm tired; see you guys in the morning." Angelo said. Then he looked at me. "Leila, I'm glad you're ok."

I nodded in reply. He smiled and disappeared in the back.

"Not just him, we are all glad you're ok." Allie said hugging me.

"Thanks." I replied. Her and Ryan also disappeared in the back, leaving me Chris, Josh, Devin, Ricky, Peter, Michael and Lester all cramped in Motionless' bus. Ricky was driving.

I flinched when the dog almost got hit in the movie. For some reason, I always do that. I know they don't hit it, but it still freaks me out. There still was a weird vibe in the room, not a good one. I knew what it was.

"You guys don't have to treat me differently." I said. They looked at me, sadness clearly in their eyes.

"Guys it's all over. Cheer up; I'm not dead so you should be happy Chris found me in time." I added as the bus stopped, meaning we were back at the venue. Fuck! I forgot about the meet and greet! I jumped up and ran to the door.

"Leila, where are you going?" Lester asked.

"Meet and greet." I replied opening the door and filing out. The cops were gone and so was everyone else. They all must be inside. I walked inside and it was deserted. The cops must have sent them home. Just because I just got raped and beaten doesn't mean I can't meet and greet the fans right? Who am I kidding?

I collapsed on the cold hard floor and curled in a ball, sobbing my eyes out. I've been holding this in since I woke up trying to stay positive for everyone else. There's no way I'll be able to keep this from the fans now, I'll just tell my story in an interview. Yeah, they deserve to know.

I heard the door open and slam shut and footsteps come closer to my shaking body. No! I don't want anybody! Can't I just be left alone?

The person pulled me on their lap and rocked me back and forth. I knew from the sweat and paint smell it was Chris. I don't get it, I want to be alone but Chris makes me feel better. Maybe I'm not meant to be alone. Ever since I met Chris he's been there with me. I'd look up from doing something and there he is smiling at me. Chris. His name makes my stomach churn, my heart start beating faster, my breath quicken. I like this feeling.

I stopped crying while thinking this and looked up at Chris. His cheeks were tear-stained but he still had a smile on his face, showing off his perfect teeth and perfect lips. I noticed I had soaked his shirt. Oops.

"Sorry for soaking your shirt." I said.

"It's ok it needed a washing anyway." He replied. I giggled at that.

"You know, it's ok to cry. It's not good to bottle of your emotions." He said. I nodded.

"I know."


"Thank you Chris." I said.

"For what?" he asked looking at me curiously.

"Everything. We just met couple days ago and you're doing everything for me. You saved me before who knows what my father would have done, you volunteered to go to the store with me knowing full well what I needed to get, and you haven't been doing everything out of pity." I replied.

He smiled down at me.

"Leila, I did those things because I care. I want to protect you, to comfort you, and always be there when you need me." He said leaning forward a little bit. He stopped as if realizing something. Was he going to kiss me?

I waited a bit just in case he did come closer. He didn't so I went in. Our lips touched and in that moment I knew Chris was the one for me. I loved him more than I ever loved anybody else. I saved my heart for someone worth dying for.

I regret nothing.

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