Chapter 18

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AN: I SED STUP FLAMMING! if u do den ur a fuken prep! fangz 2 raven 4 da help n stuf. u rok! n ur nut a prep. fangz for muh sewter! ps da oder eson bamberban swor is koz he trin 2 be gofik so der!


I woke up the next day in my coffin. I walked out of it and put on some black eyeliner, black eyesharrow, and a black really leather jacket that was all ripped and in stripes so you could see my belly. I was wearing a skull belly ring with black and red diamonds inside it.

(Da night before Shane and I rent back to the skull (geddit skull koz im goffik n I like deth). Cameraman chased Ricknoldo away. We flew there on our brooms. Mine was black and the broom-stuff was blood-red. There was lace all over it. Draco had a black bzfd boom. We went back to our rooms and we had you-know-what to a Lemonade mouth song.)

Well anyway I went down to the Grate Hall. There all da walls were painted black and da tables were black too. But you fould see that there was pink pant underneath the black pant. And there were pastors of poser bands everywhere, like Ashlee Simpson and the Backstreet Boys.

"WTF!" I shouted going to sit next to Jen Satan and Steven. Jen Satan was wearing a black leather mini with a raccoon shaped t-shirt, black fishnets and black pointy boots. Steven was wearing a long gothic blak dress with blood red writing that was all lacy and came up to your thighs and black boots and fishnets. Vampire, Dracula and Shane came. We started to talk about who was sexier, Gallagher 1 or Gallagher 2 or the cheese guy from Blur. The boys joined in cause they were bi.

"Those guys are so fucking hot." Safiya was saying as suddenly a gothic old man with a black beard and everything came. He was the same one who had chassed away Riacket yesterday. He had normal tan skin but he was wearing white foundation and he had died his hare black.

"...................CAMERA?1!" we all gasped.

"WTF?" I shouted angrily. "I thought he was just wearing that to scare rick!"

"Hello everyone." he said happily. "As u can see I gave the room a makeover. Whjat do u fink about it?"

Everyone from the poser table in Gryiffindoor started to cheer. Well we goths just looked at each other all disfusted and shook our heads. We couldn't believe what a poser he was!1.

"BTW you can call me man." HE CALLED AS WE LEFT to our classes.

"What a fucking poser!" Shane shouted angrily as we we to Transfomation. We were holding hands. Vampire looked really jealous. I could see her crying blood in a gothic way (geddit, way lik cheese machine) but I didn't say anything. "I bet he's havin a mid-life crisis!" Steven shouted.

I was so fucking angry.  

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