What's The Chase?

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My script came five days ago and I've confined myself into my room since then, only coming out to either go to the loo, get food or a drink. "Pey, you need to get out of your room. You've been in there for days." Lisa, my room mate called through the door.

I put the script down and opened the door to her. "Yeah, well I need this job to stay ahead of the rent and I intend to try my best to at least achieve a call back."

"I know, better than anyone, you would land a call back. Better yet, get the part. You have the capability to get the part. You're just over working yourself when you don't need to." Lisa replied. she smiled a confident smile that said 'you can do this'.

Lisa then walked into the room and lifted the script and read a random line of the other main character, Max Brown. "We're getting strange readings. It's life forms! I thought Captain Wright said that there was nothing here."

"He did!" I replied back instantly.

"Then why did he send us here if he knew there was life forms?" She continued, looking up at me leaning against the wall with my head down.

"What are you asking me for! I don't know!" I replied.

I looked up to see Lisa smiling at me. "What?" I asked.

"See, I told you. You know that script like the back of your hand. You don't need to practice this much anymore, just quick skims."

I knew that this was going somewhere because I knew what my room mate was like. "Cut to the chase." I said shaking my head.

"There's no 'chase'." She denied. I just gave her a 'are you sure?' look then she let out a sigh. "Alright fine. I invited a few people around for a party I'm having tonight but it ended up being more that a few so..."

"Basically you want me out of your hair for the night. Yes?" I asked.

"Yeah, if you don't mind." she replied giving a sheepish smile.

I just chuckled at her saying, "It's fine, Demyx can bunk me for the night. I'll just give him a heads up."

"Thanks. You're the best." She grinned before leaving my room.

I let out a small sigh. Right better let him know or he'll jump down my throat. I grabbed my phone and gave him a quick text. Seconds later Demyx said it was OK and I told Lisa before packing a few clothes for my night stay at my brothers.

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