Chapter Ten: Muthafuckin' Woman

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I walked down the street, Bo tucked against my hip as she played with my hair. I could feel Ren's gaze on me, hot and possessive, just like it had been since I had come out of my bedroom after getting dressed. I wanted to smirk at how easily I had made the male trail after me. I quite enjoyed the feeling. I hadn't felt that sense of power in a very long time.

That and I was feeling very confident. Hell, I was pretty sure I was walking with a bit of a swagger. There was nothing like the ego boost that a great round of sex gave a person. I jostled Bo slightly and she smiled at me, leaning over and kissing my cheek gently. "Awww, my sweet little beauty." I grinned at her, tapping her nose. "I am going to spoil you rotten!" She smiled before leaned her head on my shoulder.

I wrapped my other arm around her, looking down the street for the magical barrier that would take us to Emporium. Which was just a street... that contained a literal black market. It was a portal of inter-dimensions that took you to which ever shop you wanted, mainly illegal shops or shops that provided you with black curtain illegal items under the table, but it took you to them.

"So what was it my truck needed?" I looked over my shoulder at Ren and his gaze was clearly on my ass, his focus rather intense and after a moment he blinked.

"Fan belts." It was a low rumble of a voice that had shivers erupting over my skin and naughty thoughts filling my head.

I was actually impressed at his single minded focus he had on my ass. "Do you know what sizes?" He didn't even attempt to speak, just gave a curt nod and I looked forward once again. Humans and Fae were crossing the street as I walked down it. Their eyes down and their forms hunched away from our small group. I half wondered if it was because of how I wore my magick or the hulking werewolf that was stalking me.

I fought back a grin at that thought. He was stalking willing prey and it amused me greatly but if he wished to play predator I would let him because I did enjoy being chased. There was no point in being as sexy as I always made myself to look if no one was going to pursue me. True I dressed sexy for myself at times but I wasn't going to lie and say that I didn't also dress like that to watch people's eyes widen or their jaws drop.

A shimmering 'E' appeared in the air above my head and I stopped walking immediately, turning on my heel to look at the brick wall. The Emporium changed locations along the street fairly often. One had to be a creature of magick to know where it was, well not just magick, supernatural. One had to not be human. I glanced at Ren as he stopped beside me, his presence nearly enveloping me with his heat and scent.

His gaze lingered on me and then Bo before he jerked his head at the wall. "Marketplace." With that word he pushed through the wall, not at all fazed by the magick that surrounded him. I watched after him for a moment before I shrugged.

"Marketplace it is, Bo-Peep." I tapped her nose and pushed through the portal. There was a swooshing feeling in my stomach as I stepped through to the other side. Cobblestones materialized underfoot as we stepped through the entrance to the market place.

Bo gave a small whine of discomfort that I tsked at. Poor thing, it must have been her first portal. "Bapa!" At the name she was plucked out of my arms and held to Ren's large chest as he shushed her, his expression dark and foreboding to all those that milled around. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he held her gently. A part of me melted as I watched him with her. It was clear he had a great affection for her and he would protect her no matter not. I wondered how he would hold a baby to his chest before I slapped the thought away like an unruly animal. No need to have those thoughts in my head, despite that my contraceptive spell itched on my skin.

Different coloured Faes moved around with their head down, avoiding looking at us. I looked around, my eyes landing on a door with a sign showing a crow on its back over it. I glanced at Ren before looking back at the door. "I'm heading to the Broken Crow." I didn't wait for his reply as I strode towards the door. I couldn't stand around. I was banished and that technically meant the Emporium was off limits to me but I didn't care about technicalities.

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