Why Me God? • Chapter 4

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We got to the fro-yo place and I hadn't even looked at Ivan. I can't believe he's so mad about one little thing. Jake turned on his camera and we knew we had to act all chill and lovey.

It literally pained me inside knowing he was mad at me. That has always been one of my flaws; getting sad when I know I shouldn't be.

We went into the shop and had to take some pictures with fans. I saw someone caption their Snapchat with "im with #avan 😊 they so cute together"

I felt bad for her because it was all fake, like the reason Alissa left, it was because she wanted to pursue her modeling career and the Team 10 contract wasn't letting her. Jake dissed Alissa with her permission in his song. (FALSE) Almost everything in Hollywood is fake. Did that mean me and Ivan were fake? I was questioning my feelings now..

"Hey lovers can the Jake Paulers see you guys kiss?!", Jake yelled at me and Ivan, who were looking at eachother.

Ivan stepped toward me and grabbed my waist, I held his jawline and we kissed for about 3 seconds then he pulled away. What I kept asking myself was, did he do it for the camera or because he wanted to? I'm so confused now.

Ivan's P.O.V.

When Jake asked us to kiss I awkwardly stepped over to Ara and kissed her, it was good, but I still didn't know how to feel that she was texting some guy named Alejandro.

We went home and once I got in I didn't go to Ara's room, I went to mine.
As I was walking upstairs I shared a glance with Ara an I almost tripped. She giggled while looking away and smiling. Damn her smile was so gorgeous, she could light up the earth with it, heck with the sun.

Back to Ara 🤞🏼

My birthday is tomorrow and Ivan is mad at me... As I walked inside we shared a glance and I knew I wanted to talk to him. I ran up to his room and shut the door. He was on his bed on his phone.

"Hey..", he said dryly.

"Uh- um, hey, I wanted to t-", he interrupted me.

"I know, you want to talk? Why don't you go talk to Alejandro", he says breaking my heart.

I started getting frustrated and yelled at him.


I got an uber and luckily there was a close one, as soon as I started walking toward the uber I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and it felt like Ivan's.

"WHAT DO Y-", I stop yelling as I see who it is.

It was Emilio, Lucia, Tessa, and Erika.

"Sorry, what do you guys need?", I say looking down.

"Why are you leaving we all heard you yelling ten the door slam?", asks Lucia concerned.

"Ivan isn't talking, even to me!", says Emilio.

"We just had an argument, that's all..", I lie.

"I just need some time to myself, that's all..", I say.

"Ok, but are you really okay Ara?", asks Erika.

"It sounded serious and Ivan looked really sad when we checked on him..", Tessa stated.

"I'm okay Erika, really, and he looks SAD?", I ask turning to Tessa.

Tessa nodded.

"Well I don't care!", I say getting in the car and shutting my uber door.

They tried opening it but I locked it.

"Um are they coming?", asked the uber guy.

"No just go they'll step back", I respond.

"Okay", he says stepping the gas.

"So, where ya headed tonight little lady?", he asked kinda pervertedly.

I didn't notice how he sounded at the moment.

"Um just anywhere, please", I say.

"Okay", he chuckles.

I fell asleep in the car and woke up to see a bunch of men smoking weed outside of the car about 20 feet away.

The moonlight shone bright this night, thankfully..

I saw the uber driver smoking and I also noticed my phone and shoes were gone. Fuck. Why my god damn shoes?

I started getting suspicious because they looked old and well? To be honest? Pedophiles.

I saw the guys walking up to the car unbuckling their belts, giving me memories of being abused as a young child.

I went crazy. I used my elbow to break open the car window and I jumped out and ran as far as I could. I could hear a few guys behind me when I heard a click. I didn't think much of it at the time until I heard a loud bang and an excruciating pain in my calf.

I was shot. How? Why? Why me? After all I've been through. It could have been anyone else god.. why in the living fuck did you choose me to get shot in this moment.

I saw them running towards me and I screamed. I got up and I climbed up a building as fast as a could each step giving me indescribable tingles throughout my body.

They didn't try to catch me at this point.

"FUCK MY GUNS OUT!", I heard a smoky, rough voice say.

I got in top of a roof and I didn't know what to do. I knew I had to attract attention to myself so that people could come save me.

I started screaming at the top of my lungs "HELP I'M SHOT", over and over again until I passed out from blood loss.

I woke up in the hospital, drowsy as hell, nobody in the room with me.

I called the up the nurse because I still was feeling a LOT of pain. But instead of a nurse coming in a saw a bunch of people walk in with news gear. Fuck, a news crew was going to interview me about what had happened, I probably would have no choice but to tell the truth..


Ayooooo Logans what's poppin?!

Lol hey so I wanted SOMETHING to happen so I did this, it's somewhat unrealistic, but also very realistic? I mean, its 2017 people! THE IPHONE X CAME OUT TODAY TOO!!! IT HAS A FACE LOCK 😩😍😂

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